We administered that when the kids were about a month old because the person we got them from suspected worms then. He has not received copper. I almost screeched of joy. Ive also recently given them a Half a cup of alfalfa pellets after grain for some extra food in the winter. Its been 4 weeks I have been giving this to him an no change. They should be given separately, but can all be given at the same time, one right after the other. Giving a follow-up dose is based on an old practice that was proven to not be helpful when it was actually studied. This is a time-proven remedy for parasites in goats. I was told to do it again when he felt better. Goats should never be sold alone as a single kid. He is still on the bottle, gets probiotics added to his formula, grain and goat mineral. Thank you! Note that the 10 mg/kg dose used for the chart is the label dose; administering 1.5 2X this dose may improve efficacy. You would have to have grass hay sitting out 24/7 for him, which would make a huge mess in your house. We have three nigerian dwarfs, ages are 5 weeks, 3 weeks, and 1 week. I wanted to reference it again and do some follow up research on the guest from that episode. When you say soft poop, do you mean hes pooping like a dog rather than berries? This podcast on Using Dewormers Correctly is an interview with researcher Susan Schoenian at the University of Maryland Research Center. There are also transcripts if you prefer to read. This will NOT work for water sources other than containers. Hope all that makes sense! He is already showing signs of worms. Whats the next step? However, new information suggests that the oral route is preferred. All goats have worms all the time, but they normally are fine as long as the worms dont get over populated. Thanks! He may also have a poor immune system. You didnt say anything about the kids actually having symptoms of a worm overload, and routine deworming is discouraged because every time you use a dewormer, you take a step towards dewormer resistance because every worm that survives will be resistant to that dewormer. I continue to use Basic H, 1 Tablespoon per 5 gallons water for 7 days, untreated water for 21 days. Be aware that these recommended withdrawal times may change over time as new pharmacologic information is obtained. So does this mean I just let them be and check them every month to make sure their eyes are a normal warm pink-red? I feed them plenty of hay daily & a scoop each of grain in the morning. It was back in October, so is no longer on the first page of podcast episodes. One exception: when I was forced to purchase several goats from a local auction, I used treated water for their first 4 weeks on my farm due to intense parasitism which was apparent when I purchased them. ORALLY, Valbazen Suspension (11.36 % or 113.6 mg/ml): 20 mg/kg orally; withdrawal time is 9 days for meat and 7 days for milk Do NOT use in pregnant does in the first trimester of pregnancy. With the exception of fenbendazole administered at the 5 mg/kg dose, these drugs are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in goats, and when used in goats are considered extra label use. Because levamisole has been used so rarely in goats, some people have found that it works when other dewormers are no longer effective, including Rumatel, which is in the same class. Current research does not support giving a routine dose of a dewormer a week or two after the first dose so thats why you cant find any info on repeating the dosing. He is also pooping like a dog. Will she need another dose down the road. If you see anything less than that as a dosage, thats from 20 years ago. The following chart is intended to serve as a guideline for improving accuracy when dosing goats with an anthelmintic, but these drugs should be used in goats only when appropriate veterinary advice has been received. Fax: (607) 253-3943 {With Durvet Rumatel, feed 0.1 lb (45 grams) per 100 lbs. He needs to be outside for vitamin D production, and he needs free choice loose goat minerals available 24/7 so he can have as much as he wants. Yes maam! Phone: (607) 253-3900 You must have read somewhere else to do the Safeguard 3 days in a row because that is very old advice from the 1990s. I had vet out to look him over. 4. They tend to make enough for twins or more, but its all about supply and demand. I read the book, ordered Basic H Classic from Shaklee Company for worming, and began a new herd. What dewormers are safe to use during late pregnancy? Barber pole worm and other roundworms are really the only ones that are a big problem for goats, but all goats have them in their gut, and as long as they have a healthy immune system, they can handle them just fine. I got him at two weeks and he was on homogenized milk. It is impossible to get goats to zero worms, and every time you use a dewormer, you are taking one step closer to dewormer resistance. Your original message said you havent seen any in the last 11 days, which is typical. Basically you are the twin kid that wasnt born. My husband calls them pinecones. Drugs in the same category have a similar mode of action and work to kill similar worms. Meat withdrawal time for goats is 30 days. The Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) of 1994 created guidelines for using drugs extra-label so that drugs can be used legally in different species, even when the drug has not been FDA approved for that species. If you dont see a milk or meat withdrawal time, you should not use that drug in an animal that will be used for milk or meat. I went ahead and gave her some on a ginger snap (she goes nuts for those) & I had read that you stated to give Safeguard 3 days in a row. However, if they no longer work, you could use a dewormer that is labeled for a different species. Safe-Guard/Panacur Suspension (10% or 100 mg/ml): the label dose in goats is 5 mg/kg, but a 10 mg/kg dosage is recommended. Im very familiar with what Joel used to do back when he wrote that book. Moxidectin injectable is not supposed to be used in goats, and although ivermectin injectable is approved for extra-label use, the milk withdrawal is 40 days, making it impractical for use in milkers. He was vaccinated by my vet and received his booster in June. When individual dewormers no longer work, it is possible to combine two dewormers from different classes. When I was writing the first edition of Raising Goats Naturally in 2013, a new dewormer that was the first in a new class had been submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval, and I naively wrote that it was not expected to be on the market for a couple of years. This includes ivermectin and moxidectin. It is not proven. You could spend a fortune if you get everything that everyone online says they use, but bottom line is that if you have two dry does, they are fed like wethers a good green grass hay, a loose mineral made ONLY for goats, and plenty of fresh water. You could in cattle, but not goats because their metabolism is quite different. I tried adding Basic H to my goats water when we were dealing with dewormer resistance. I have a few questions and dont know where to post them, this says reply. I want to make sure these gals are healthy as can be. His poop is formed in all the little balls but comes out like a dogs. Im new to your blogs and absolutely love them. One of them has very dry flakey skin a scratches some. There are no sores, his skin looks good and he is full of energy!! https://thriftyhomesteader.com/dewormer-resistance-in-goats/. That particular dewormer has a very wide margin of safety, so its not going to hurt her, but its not necessary. I am going to take him back for a checkup in November but for now was hoping someone maybe has some insight. The benzimidazole class of dewormer is the only one effective against tapeworms. No drenching, no chemicals. I have used Safeguard drench twice (4 weeks apart) recently. To learn more, check out Preventing Coccidiosis. One week per month, add 1 tablespoon Basic H Classic for every 5 gallons contained water in each water tub. Email: diagcenter@cornell.edu, Business Hours Albendazole is not recommended for use in early pregnancy, but it has been linked to a variety of problems in multiple species at different stages of gestation, so some people may choose to avoid it throughout pregnancy. He needs forage grass, weeds, leaves, small branches, etc, and GRASS hay NOT alfalfa when he is inside the barn at night or during the winter when nothing is growing. Normal poop for a newborn looks like yellow scrambled eggs. I read you stating its unnecessary to give de wormer when they do not have worms. How much milk were they getting at one month, and what are they getting now? He is eating well and playing. I have an almost 4 month old (Sept.24) Nigerian Dwarf whether. SafeGuard I have a 2, 8 month old Nigerian Dwarf weathered goats. It will be an adjustment for him, but he needs a goat friend, and he needs to go outside. But you just need to watch body condition and the other things I just mentioned. In most cases, the goat will recover after a few hours or days of rest, but if the overdose is too high it can cause death. In some cases, depending upon the level of resistance to the dewormers, you can kill as much as 90 to 99 percent of the worms when using two dewormers at the same time. There is 0 (zero) withdrawal time for milk in lactating cattle and dairy goats. So my question is should I have her another dose and if so, how much? Fenbendazole at the recommended dose rate of 10 mg/kg is also considered extra-label usage. I read your blog on tapeworms and you say to double the amount given on the label. I read something about giving them Nutri-Drench Poultry in their water for extra nutrition.. again sorry for all the questions I just love your page & want to give the best to my girls! ORALLY, Cydectin Sheep Drench I just added two little gals to my herd after a bear had killed our two beloved 7 year old Nigerian Dwarfs Daisy & Einstein. She said could be zinc deficiency so was told to give 50mg of zinc and sunflower seeds. You rarely see them in adults. (Do not mix them together.) I thought that podcast was eye opening and had some great information. Any copper products I should routinely give? When should we give him another dose? It doesnt sound like you breed your does, which means they could struggle with obesity, even if they are only on pasture. The answer does not lie in inventing new dewormers. The effectiveness of a dewormer should always be tested before being used by performing a Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) or DrenchRite larval development assay. One vet I know said that tapeworms are worse for the mental health of the owner than the physical health of the goat. I cannot stress how dangerous it is for a goat to be in a house. And it doesnt take much to confuse me! We suspect a high wormload and just gave him 4.4mL of Valbazen (he weighs 55 lbs). Has fresh hay and Timothy hay pellets. Can you give any advice on this in order to treat both the lice and deworm?? The FDA regards extra-label use of drugs as an exclusive privilege of the veterinary profession and is only permitted when a bona fide veterinarian-client-patient relationship exists and an appropriate medical diagnosis has been made. They were not moving. While most sheep dewormers are used in goats at twice the sheep dosage, levamisole is used at only 1.5 times the sheep dosage. While a single dose of albendazole kills tapeworms, fenbendazole must be given three days in a row to treat tapeworms. The goal is simply to keep them at a level that is not harmful to the goat. Kids have been electrocuted from chewing on electrical cords, and they have died from digestive blockages when they attempted to eat all sorts of crazy things. Levamisole is sold as a bolus or as a powder that can be mixed with water and given orally. I did tons of research and ended up purchasing Equine Safeguard Paste. Have you done a fecal to see if parasites are the problem? (Does not work so well if youre not sure about the title.). He is a house goat so he lives like a dog with our 3 dogs and 4 cats. It does not work. Goats are naturally very healthy, so you should not be having any problems on a regular basis.