Sheng Yang, Yi Man, in Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Decision-Making, 2020. From: World Seas: an Environmental Evaluation (Second Edition), 2019, Fritz Balkau, in Environmental Solutions, 2005. Such codes are not self-regulation as sometimes claimed by both proponents and detractors. No ranking is implied by the SPC in the order of criteria. The label provides quantified environmental information on the products life cycle which makes it possible to compare products with the same functions as well as carry out an LCA for the products of the same group (UNEP, 2015). LCA is an environmental management tool that attempts to consider the resource and energy use, as well as the environmental impacts, over the entire life cycle of a package, product, or service from extraction of the raw materials through manufacture/conversion, distribution and use, to recovery or disposal. Flame retardant (FR) chemicals are in great demand due to their extensive applications in various industrial sectors, including transportation and construction. This chain reaction is repeated until the material totally disappears. Furthermore, LCA can help to implement manufacturer strategies, identify opportunities, and to improve the environmental aspects of FRs along its life cycle. Fires are a common cause of harm to people and property and also generate a host of acute and chronic pollutants, including acid gases and persistent organic pollutants. In addition, many ecolabels and environmental product declarations (EPD) are also based on LCA results. One useful tool to compare different packages and assist in the development of more sustainable packaging is life cycle assessment (LCA). Currently, visits to most of the tepuis are prohibited, and scientific surveys, especially those related to genetic studies, are subject to serious restrictions to prevent biopiracy (Rull and Vegas-Vilarrbia, 2008). LCA has a great potential to support environmental policy-making, given the condition that the LCA results are reproducible and transparent. Here the label includes self-declarations by manufacturers, importers, distributors, sellers, or anyone benefitting from the label. Protocols for other instruments such as reporting (a requirement in most EMS) were also developed under other frameworks such as GRI ( The industry now believes that it is better equipped to itself deal with certain aspects of the environmental solution, most obviously those that affect management. End of life: After a fire, the materials containing FR chemicals and the FR chemical itself should be recycled or disposed safely. In this context, there is great interest in developing alternatives of halogenated FRs, and many new FR products containing nanoparticles are being developed.,,, Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, If recycling of PET bottles increased to 60% (currently 24%), the glass bottle would need to be reused 20 times to make their CFPs comparable. MEAs can be used as environmental management tools and can apply and strengthen management approaches like the Protected Areas Frameworks, National Adaptation Programs of Action, and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Section D). This information can be used with other factors, such as cost and performance data, to select a package or process. Table 1.5. EMS and EMAS are not stand-alone exercisesthey represent that part of the normal management system of an organization that intends to deal with environmental issues. First, package design, development, and improvement all benefit from having LCA results available, which can help identify where significant resource use, wastes, and emissions occur, and thus suggest where significant changes or improvements can be made. It is important to know how the FR chemical acts, its mode of action during a fire, how it protects the material, and to what extent. ), silicone (linear silanes, silsesquioxanes, etc. The wide range of initiatives that have been developed in the past 20 years and are still being developed have demonstrated a worldwide increasing commitment at policy level for the protection and management of geoheritage. Adriana Laca, Mario Daz, in Comprehensive Biotechnology (Third Edition), 2019. Global agreements can also build institutional support for conservation efforts. As the management of complex environmental affairs requires the same systematic, all-encompassing approach as any other organizational functions, the 1990s saw the development of formal environmental management systems (EMS). See for example: UNEP Environmental Management Tools (, The Environmental Management Navigator (, A managers guide for the oil industry (, A range of corporate tools and approaches ( Packaging was the main hotspot for most environmental impacts, contributing between 59% and 77%. Understanding these emissions, and where they come from, is necessary to reduce them. On the other hand, specific protocols and rules are needed, at least at national level, to protect geoheritage or to compensate losses. Thus a number of codes go considerably further than simply advocating legal compliance by advocating corporate environmental responsibilities and targets in line with contemporary civil society expectations. Mangrove management and restoration may be a cost-effective mechanism to contribute to the SDGs. Moreover only a few countries have effective planning systems and complete national inventories of geosites. CBD Aichi Targets, Descriptions, and How They Relate to Mangroves. Two functional units were considered: 1l of packaged drink and total annual production of carbonated drinks. Such measurements might be conducted using conventional and high-resolution satellite imagery (up to 30cm) able to provide detailed information on biomass, moisture, vegetation cover, and photosynthesis, or newly developed techniques, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones (Salam et al., 2014). In this sense, ISO has been working to regulate and normalize eco-labels to address this issue, eventually resulting in three types of environmental labeling specifically regulated by the ISO 14020 series, as Ruiz-Mndez and Gereca (2019) reflect. Despite the increasing popularity of LCAs among both industry and governments, the technique does have significant limitations, which are often overlooked. (2011) assessed the environmental impacts of the most common packaging options on the Spanish market for juice (aseptic cartons, glass, and HDPE bottles), beer (aluminum cans, glass, and HDPE bottles), and water (PET and glass bottles). Temperature, DO and pH were measured in situ using a spectrophotometer (model 156, 2001). Since the beginning of the 1990s a large increase in the development of methodologies and applications of LCA has taken place. Protected area frameworks like the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, UNESCO World Heritage Convention, and the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program can increase the prestige and international profile of a specific site (Van Lavieren et al., 2012). Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an environmental management tool, which can be used to evaluate the impact of a product, a system, or an activity on the environment. With increasing international emphasis on Blue Carbon stocks, mangroves have very recently been included in global climate change negotiations, for example, Article 5 of the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement. In 2015, 193 countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and associated SDGs. Therefore, the existing impact assessment methods and databases of LCA methodologies should be adapted in order to include specific and new data of the potential impacts of FR nanomaterials on the environment and HH. The group of assessment tools was mentioned earlier, and is most closely associated with traditional views of environmental action because they deal explicitly with environmental information. The aim was to develop a working model for the fish pond and join it with WSPs and HSSFCWs to form a chain of models that can work together as an, Rull and Vegas-Vilarrbia, 2008; Rull et al., 2008, ), but the situation has not changed. The standardization of these three types of eco-labels allows a greater understanding by users of the technical concepts of the products, making labeling more robust and reliable, and avoiding the confusion generated with general environmental labeling (Ruiz-Mndez and Gereca, 2019). A range of specific measures could be recommended to strengthen EIA systems and to include geoheritage in EIA procedures. Modeling was done by software (STELLA II 9.1.4) and the data were processed using fourth-order Runge-Kutta Equation approximations that were incorporated into the software. Recycling was found to be the most environmentally friendly disposal option for all the packaging alternatives compared, and either incineration or landfilling was considered the second best option depending on the packaging material. The impacts of beer packaging were similar to the impacts of beer production and these were the highest impact stages in the life cycle of beer. Use/Fire: It is quite possible that during the combustion of a material, it disintegrates due to the generated heat and emits gases. The timing aspect is often critical in including or excluding some effects of the systems under analysis. They recommend that packaging suppliers tell their customers how their packaging helps them to achieve their corporate sustainability goals. Adapted from list of Aichi Biodiversity Targets from the official CBD website:, Is beneficial, safe, and healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle, Meets market criteria for performance and cost, Is sourced, manufactured, transported and recycled using renewable energy, Optimizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials, Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices, Is made from materials healthy throughout the life cycle, Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy, Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycles, By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies; planning processes incorporated into national accounting and reporting systems, By 2020, rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, at least halved and, where feasible, brought close to zero; degradation, and fragmentation significantly reduced, By 2020, all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants managed and harvested sustainably, legally and applying ecosystem-based approaches to avoid overfishing; recovery plans and measures in place for all depleted species; fisheries have no significant adverse impacts on threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems; fisheries impacts on stocks, species and ecosystems within safe ecological limits, Sustainable management of mangrove fisheries, By 2020, areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry managed sustainably, ensuring biodiversity conservation, Sustainable forest and aquaculture management, By 2015, minimize multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification, to maintain their integrity and functioning, At least 17% of terrestrial and inland water areas, and 10% of coastal and marine areas, especially areas important for biodiversity and ecosystem services, to be protected, By 2020, extinction of threatened species prevented and their conservation status improved and sustained, Protect threatened species of mangrove flora and fauna, By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services (including services related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods, and well-being) restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, the poor and vulnerable, Restore and manage mangrove ecosystem services, By 2020, ecosystem resilience and contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks enhanced through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems, to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and combat desertification, Restore and conserve mangroves for resilience, By 2020, traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and their customary use of biological resources, respected, subject to national legislation and relevant international obligations, and fully integrated and reflected in implementation of the convention with full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities, at all relevant levels. The distinction between different types of LCA, each with a different aim or application area, substantially reduces some of the persistent methodological problems in the LCI analysis. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. ), nitrogen (melamine and derivatives), metal hydroxides (aluminum and magnesium hydroxides), and nanomaterials. Second, LCA can help decision-makers select the product or process that results in the least impacts to the environment. With a more extensive and rigorous follow-up implementation of voluntary codes they may at some future time take their place among the formal groups of management instruments accepted by society at large. Journal of Food Engineering 103, 357365. Sustainable business practices integrate environmental concerns with social and economic ones. Of the 17 proposed SDGs to be attained by 2030, SDG 14 (conserve and promote sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources) reflects most clearly the importance of restoring and protecting mangroves, helping to mainstream mangroves into discussions of global poverty eradication and development. A new approach is required in order to integrate financial, environmental, resource, and toxicological considerations into a single analysis. Deploying ecosystem protection as a means to curb the impact of hazards is the key goal of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, adopted in 2015.