Walt C.
Some people are like Slinkies. Try to explain that to the other workers in the store that if we don't sell frames, they don't get extra hours and they don't get raises. And on top of everything else.they are rude and don't deliver work on time. Alan, you have just experienced the world of Big Box framing in America. My daughter is the current frame shop manager at the local Hobby Lobby (Casper, WY). Oh yes..Hobby Lobby is alive and well in Texas also..but according to my source ( my sister use to work for themjust left about 4 months ago)..they are manufacturing their own moulding and it is cheap.cheapcheap quality wise..thats why the 50% off is advertised at least twice a month in this market..and according to herthey take all the short cutsthats one reason she leftshe was taught by a guy who knows his businessplus she is a CPF herself and she got sick of doing it the Hobby Lobby way.plus she got a much better offer at another company (not framing) and a 40 hour 5 day a week enviornment. And ain't it true of independents as well? A shop is only as good as the framer(s) in it. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I almost took a job running the framing department at our local Hobby Lobby until, well into the interviewing process, the store "Co-manager" sorrowfully confided that the corporate office would not let them offer more than $8.50 an hour. All of these supply hobby Lobby with merchandise. Here in the mid-west we have many of them. The plastic wedges are the BB answer to quick assembly line joining. Ah Hobby Lobby. But unfortuanately, their prices attract a lot of people. The Framica frames are just that, paper or laminate glued to cheap wood. We have just completed a frame refurbishment job -cut down and re-join broken frame - reduce glass,double mount etc and re-fit a signed Artist's proof print that was originally 'Custom Framed at the HOBBY LOBBY Creative Center'. Craft Ect.., Wood World, David & Darseys (candles). I'll choose "b". It may not display this or other websites correctly. \" not everything printed, is a real print \". I wish I could have started a Huge corporation by starting out selling small frames in the lobby of a craft and hobby store. Our local one does not join frames - I don't know about where or how they do it since I have never order a frame from them. I know that there are a lot of bad things said about Hobby Lobby, but I really enjoy working in the frame department. We are expected to sell custom moulding to bring up the money available for payroll. You are using an out of date browser. It depends on the person doing the framing. You can explain the damage they could be causing and they will tell you that it is too expensive. The green family owns many companies. "This modest beginning has grown into 362 stores (as of September 2005) with projected sales of 1.5 billion dollars in 2005.". I only asked "Who Hobby Lobby?" It's a good thing she is looking for a job, Walt, she probably needs one for sure after what you posted. > the store "Co-manager" sorrowfully confided that the corporate office would not let them offer more than $8.50 an hour. Within the last year Hobby Lobby purchased Greco and now owns it's own frame supply company. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Now I am afraid to ask "Are the BB's stealing your potential customers?". From how my fellow Grumblers bash Hobby Lobby and other BB'sya got guts and I applaude you. Someone who has never had anything done before is frequently happy with a custom mat with 1" borders on the sides and 3" on the top and bottom, because it looks so much better than the construction paper that they cut with scissors before. They can pay more and do in many of their stores. If you have never had anything custom framed, I am sure the job that they do at HL, M or J looks pretty terrific. and the talks quickly broke down. http://www.hobbylobby.com/site3/company/company.cfm. It almost seems like there is two options. From what I can tell they cut glass and mats on site. Why won't anyone just say Michaels or Hobby Lobby or whatever J is instead on this cryptic letter naming. The problem is, most people who come in, refuse to pay for the quality stuff. Gosh! American BB framing in Scotland. We get to enjoy Sundays and most holidays with our families and hobby Lobby has always been good to me. Jazan, I appreciate the fact that you were willing to pipe in and say what you felt you wanted to say. I must confess, that more than once when interviewing prospective applicants whom appearred to be "undesirable", that I suggested a very low pay rate to end the interview. I always try to let the customer know the correct way to frame a picture. >I confess I failed to conceal my dismay (horror?) and the talks quickly broke down. Since I work at Hobby Lobby, I know that the frame department determines the payroll for the whole store. She's been there for about 5 months, 1 of which she has been manager. The store co-manager and his store manager just wanted to keep payroll down. It ain't nohow permanent! Hince the name, Hobby Lobby. I confess I failed to conceal my dismay (horror?) They\'re really good for nothing.
But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs. This makes you think about all the work that is out there with your name on the back - and just where some of it eventually ends up. Make fun of them or learn from them. Don't take life so serious, son. After all, with what else does a newbie compare it? They have a Wizard for mats. and in the process mentioned Frame Mica, whereapon another thread was started and the ordure hit the fan! I have worked at hobby Lobby for years in the custom framing department. "Never go with a hippie to a second location" Jack Donaghy. JavaScript is disabled. the store "Co-manager" sorrowfully confided that the corporate office would not let them offer more than $8.50 an hour. A new bit of information that many of you may not be aware of is that Hobby Lobby was owned by Greco frame supply who is owned by the Green family.