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Provides extra materials to accommodate more students for the Lab-Aids Modeling Stream Erosion and Deposition Lab (SB44075). Striated bedrock. 0000022965 00000 n
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If you already have an account and are visiting our new site for the first time, click 'Forgot Password?' Explain how groundwater can creat a cave. This is an activity for middle school Earth science. 0000008431 00000 n
Name one problem that could be caused by overuse of groundwater. endobj
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Type of glacier. 0000009078 00000 n
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rainwater that runs across the earth's surface, amount of rain, length of time, steepness or slope of the land, amount of vegetation, the movement of soil and rock from one place to another, during a heavy rain, a small stream forms and carries away soil, creating a groove called a channel, groove in soil caused by a stream of water, heavy rains remove large amounts of soil and sediment from a rill channel, forming a gully, sheets of water flowing across gthe land pick up and carry away sediment, water in a stream picks up sediments from the bottom and sides of its channel, making the channel deeper and wider, network of groundwater and streams that come together to form a river, the area of land from which a stream or river collects runoff, flows swiftly though a steep valley, may have white water rapids and waterfalls, erodes the stream bottom faster than the sides, flows more smoothly though its valley, erodes more on sides, curves form called meander, carves a broad, flat valley floor called a flood plain, flows slowly though a floodplain it has carved, when too much water enters a river system, it overflows its banks, built to control the flow of water downstream, mounds of earth built along the sides of a river to prevent flooding, when water slows down, it drops, or deposits the sediments it is carrying, fan-shaped area formed by sediments that are deposited as water empties into and ocean or lake, fan-shaped area formed by sediments deposited as water empites from a mouhntain valley onto a flat open plain, water that soaks into the ground and collects in the pores of the rock underlying the soil, Percentage of all freshwater exists as groundwater, soil and rock are ___________ if water can pass through the pore spaces, soil and rock are _________ if water cannot pass through them, a layer of permeable rock that lets water move freely, area where all pores in the rock are filled with water, groundwater flows into a well and must ________ to reach the surfacre, good wells extend deep inot the __________ past the water table, wells can _______ during dry seasons of if demands is too high, water rises to the surface under pressure, the water table is so close to the surface that water flows out, hot spring that erupts periodically, shooting water and steam into the air, groundwater mixes with _____________ to form carbonic acid, acidic groundwater moves through cracks in limestone, ________ the rock, gradually the cracks in the rock enlarge until a _________ is formed, calcium carbonate deposits that hang from a cave's ceiling, calcium carbonate deposits that form on a cave's floor, if underground rock is dissolved near the surface _______ forms, what are the 3 major forces contantly change the shape of the shoreline, forces which constantly change the shape of the shoreline, pound against shores, breaking rocks into smaller pieces, moving large amounts of sediments, colliding with the shore at angles, creating long shore currents which act like rivers of sand in the ocean, when waves collide with the shore at angles, carry sediment out to sea and bring in new sediment, softer rocks erode away _________ harder rocks, leaving islands of harder rocks, deposits of sediment that are parallel to the shore, made of rock and seashell fragments, and are fragile because longshore currents constantly carry sand down the shore to form barrier islands, spits, sand-bars, and baymouth bars, fragile sand deposits that parallel the shore but are separated, the land area from which a stream gets its water, deposits of sediment that run along the shore, cool water forced to the surface by pressure, the broad, flat valley floor carved by a meandering stream, a curve in a stream's channel caused by erosion, coastal land with rocks and cliffs but little sand, layer of rock that lets water move freely, calcite formation hanging from the ceiling of a cave, quality of rocks with connected pores thouhg which water can pass, formed when the water table meets Earth's surface, results when a rill channel becomes broader and deeper, the area where all of the pores in the rock are filled with water, begins when a small stream forms during a heavy rain, sand deposits that parallel the shore but are separated from the mainland, the deposit formed when river waters empty onto a flat, open plain, quality of rocks with few connectedc pores through which water cannot pass. 0000004306 00000 n
What is an age-frequency histogram, and what does it tell us? 0000001441 00000 n
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Why don't objects such as a table collapse under the weight of air above them? The author has granted permission to teachers to reproduce pages for their own classroom use so long as notice of copyright and source appears on the bottom of all copies of pages. 0000002018 00000 n
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Hydrosphere (Ocean Topography, Earths Water, Water Cycle and Currents, Waves, and Tides), Layers of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Mountains, Rock Types (Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic) Videos and Resources, Weathering, Erosion, and Soil Formation Resources, http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES08/ES08.html, Weathering (Erosion and Deposition Graphic-2013). #q!p.4o8MVEe#s(+6C(_HbFg,NPo \H8Y;WTYNB&{idl-GlYF&NLJ!>STBK0
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Students will be able to relate the erosion processes to weathering and sediment deposition. 0000006005 00000 n
How may the ghight of the water table create a spring? All the questions in the lab handout do not need to be given to the students right away. %PDF-1.4
Required fields are marked *. water table meets surface, water flows out and makes a spring; usually found on hillside. 0000004671 00000 n
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Extensive collapse of caverns with just walls remaining results in blank blank topography. Lakes carved by erosion or the result of dams. 0000022716 00000 n
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xb```b``-e`2.12 s\b`;_ It is an indoor lab which can be easily adapted into a field investigation in the surrounding school yard. 8.III.A.2 - weathering, erosion, sediment deposition, (Microsoft Word PRIVATE FILE 26kB Sep25 07), Used this activity? endobj
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What are 3 factors that affect the amount of runoff? 0000002936 00000 n
Fill in a graphic organizer. 0000023170 00000 n
Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe, Frances Scelsi Hess, Kunze, Letro, Sharp, Snow, Arthur T. DeGaetano, Jay M. Pasachoff, Mead A. Allison, Interactive Science: Ecology and the Environment. endstream
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In this Earth science investigation, students will use sand to build a mountain and then use a straw and watering can to simulate wind erosion and water erosion. Customer Service 1.800.558.9595 Copyright 2021 Nasco. What object is at the center of a geocentric system? Weathering Vocabulary Assessment on Monday (All Classes! 0000007803 00000 n
Students will make observations and then propose ways to slow the erosion and/or speed the erosion. trailer
0000013753 00000 n
), http://quizlet.com/54004556/weathering-flash-cards/, Your email address will not be published. a. You may want to give them one or two questions and then let them develop their own questions or use the additional questions to guide them in synthesizing their own ideas/questions. <]>>
The lab may work best as an introduction to weathering and erosion. 0000003661 00000 n
MROQ8y{taWl^bQ+!~ j SB44076. hTPn0[dt4NwE1%$8 :7{ae#W`[Wt :GZ; One 50 minute class period is sufficient but could cover two or more days by adding more "what if" questions. zgEc^owrp_G,3d\^1{gbzu3 n{L ,B?t,'*~
VJ{Awe0W7faNH >dO js This activity is fully documented from another source. 0000000954 00000 n
Start with Precambrian time, then list the eras in order. %PDF-1.5
Students should works in groups of 2-3. 0000025442 00000 n
Rounded topography. Virtual Lab Website : http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES08/ES08.html, 3. <>>>
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Earth b. the moon c. a star d. the sun. 355 0 obj
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Share your experiences and modifications, Short URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/20278. xY]o6}7p2HB6maPf$Hxs# 3 0 obj
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The weather pattern was remarkably similar for the big floods of 1927, 1973, and 1993 in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. 0000001257 00000 n
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This activity is designed for students to develop their skills of observation and questioning. %%EOF