Ask about an ADAPTOR that can be made for 3 and 4 inch corn and wood pellet stoves. Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Air Distribution Products. 10 0 obj
then eliminate them with this Draft Fan Inducer. The WARRANTY on this unit is 1 YEAR or a 12 month limited warranty. /Filter /FlateDecode
No moving parts. Extra Cost is $145.00. Unless otherwise stated and requested , the 5-8 inch pipe motors for solid fuels will have a variable control adjustment knob and the oil/gas fuels will have hard-wired at a fixed speed either 50 CFM or 75 CFM.. %PDF-1.2
specify (1) your pipe size; (2) type of fuel e.g. This larger unit is hard-wired into the electrical and has a fixed 75 CFM speed and has no knob-adjustment feature. The pipe then makes a right angle then goes up many feet to above the roof line. in diameter. height or diameter of the chimney. Shipping is by either by USPS, Fedex, or UPS, weight is 10 lbs with the package weight at 15 lbs. pellets, wood logs, coal, oil, gas; (3) BTU Output (estimate) of your stove, insert, or furnace; OIL and GAS FIRED SYSTEMS: National and local building codes are now requiring a, ANTIQUE LOGCABIN COAL WOOD STOVE, New, QUEEN ANNE LEGS, Manufactured Replica, CAST TECH WOOD LOG STOVE burns LOGS and WOOD PELLET, Cast Iron ANTIQUE Replica, CENTURY TURN WOOD LOG and PELLET STOVE, LARGE, 123,000 BTU, FLUE EXHAUST REAR MOUNT, Multi-Fuel, Negative Pressure, WOOD LOG FIREPLACE INSERT ANTIQUE REPLICA COLONIAL NEW, HOT WATER HEATING COIL for STOVES burning Wood Pellets, Corn, Coal, Wood Logs, ACCESSORIES Corn & Wood Pellet Stoves, Inserts, WINCHESTER MAGNUM FIREPLACE INSERT, WIN-ACI, burns CORN, PELLETS, MULTI-FUEL, 45-50,000 BTU/Hr, WOOD PELLET MOISTURE TESTER STOVE FURNACE BOILER, Jumbo Wood Pellet Stove Furnace,55,000 BTU, 350lb Hoppr. It is designed to solve draft problems without increasing the Copyright 2014 Double-walled pipe must have the air gap filled around the hole insert with fiberglass-mesh rope gasket (used for doors). For 5-8 inch pipe motors in solid fuel (pellets, wood logs, coal), you can adjust the variable speed control kob on the electrical box to achieve the maximum effectiveness of your stove. Try opening a window a little to get some air FOR a draft moving into the house, don't forget that if you have an energy efficient home it is fairly air tight and there will be insufficiant air flow to create a draft. When ordering specify (1) your pipe size; (2) type of fuel e.g. <<
FOR CORN, WOOD-PELLET, AND WOOD LOG STOVES w 3 to 8 INCH PIPEFIXED SPEED 50 CFM and ADJUSTABLE SPEED for 30 to 350 CFM. 110V / 500W, High temperature Satin Black Powder Coat finish. and is hard-wired at fixed speed of 75 CFM. All Rights Reserved. For oil and gas fired systems, the 5-8 inch Pipe Motors will be hardwired at a fixed speed. ThriftyFun is powered by your wisdom! 4' Power Cord included. The variable speed on your 5-8 inch Pipe Motors for solid fuels can be adjusted from 30 to 350 CFM of Flue gases, and if your stove is power vented, then you can adjust the speed of the Draft Inducer to match the speed of your stove flue fan. 0u"|'np4bbaE`Mt08# f7x-(I
W7 1w5Mg`8o` wood. Tight buildings will probably need a Fresh Air Kit to supply air. It can be used for any kind of stove such as wood, oil, coal, or even pellet stoves such as wood pellets or corn. i have also heard that if you put the pipe about 2 feet above the peak that helps to. Check out our other Corn Stove items listed in our Ebay Store. Boost your Flue Exhaust Gases with this DRAFT INDUCER FAN. Not applicable for coal, wood-log stoves, optional for wood-pellet stoves.
most cases. provides for total utilization of your wood, leaving only a fine ash residue in Made in the U.S.A. Burn ALL your wood, even moist or hard-to-burn types of wood, and reduce it to small ash residual in most cases. Pre-Heats Chimney Flue. The way it works: a cover damper plate will crack open and allow room air to come into the flue pipe system to balance out the air pressure (or vacuum). We twist off this cap and put a piece of twisted newspaper in which is on fire. Provides maximum draft on Fire Start. {o]&0bnQ1@ZAw,t0f^o
f2"z a-u5 m Once the fire is burning, adjust the variable speed control knob on the Contact your local municipal code department, local HVAC suppliers, or you can call us to see what we are recommending. It is used in commercial buildings or breezy residential houses or apartments. No smoky back up--even with moist or hard to ignite types of Where is the best place to install your damper? For proper operation and efficient fuel consumption, wood, coal, and oil fired furnaces must have a constant draft. Auto-Draft Blower for Wood Burning Stoves. Completely silent. *** SEE VIDEO ***, DRAW COLLAR Wood Stove Draft Inducer Features, Plugs into a standard 3-prong outlet. The Auto-Draft can be installed on any wood or coal burning stove pipe 5" to 8" All components are High Temperature rated. Remember to check our Ebay Store for other related items. >>
Maintains 400 degrees inside the flue pipe to induce draw. Fiberglass-Mesh Rope is the best alternative. The Auto-Draft A Barometric Draft Regulator will maintain consistent draft by counteracting the negative forces caused by changes in temperature, barometric pressure, and effects of the wind. It takes up to 1 amp at 110VAC and is hardwired into your electrical general circut or into your stove turn-on circut. If ordering 5-8 inch size fan be sure to specify size, fuel, and BTU output (estimate). Specify your pipe size when ordering. Does anyone know how to make up a draft inducer for a wood burning stove to help keep smoke from coming into room when you feed the stove?mickey2. We have our stove pipe going through the wall to the outside of the house like 12 inches or so. The 3-4 inch pipe motors have a fixed speed at 50 CFM and are hardwired or you can insert (hardwire) a plug pigtail in them. Prevents reverse draft. I hope you have a "Damper" on your stove pipe,that's what controls the heat in your stove plus it helps to keep the smoke down when the door is opened. Yo~?yf:YBY8RmWU*a~8.av9
oP Dx(,KF2v,#Z2m?%Hj|m9 ge4g8g&.a1 `Y(t~YRlV_I!d1b&hG,Mjo&Qi}V0WC5wq% U( DDyQ. Pipe sizes range from 3 to 8 inches and you cut an elongated square hole in the pipe and strap it onto the pipe together with high temperature silicone caulk. I use a propane torch or kerosene "salamander" heater with the damper closed, to fill the stove with heat for a minute or so, the open the damper and the heat will rise and draft will start up. pellets, wood logs, coal, oil, gas; (3) BTU Output (estimate) of your stove, insert, or furnace; Color=red>. We sell both of them and see them in our Ebay store Wood, Coal, and Oil burning stoves that use a 6 to 8 inch flue exhaust pipe may wish to use a Barometric Draft Regulator either with, without, or instead of a Draft Fan Inducer. Normal BTU/Hr input is 100,000 BTU/Hr or less; a larger Fan is available for oil/gas fired systems at BTU/Hr Range of 100,000 to 330,000 BTU/Hr. The pigtail corded outlet is also hardwired into the unit. Room to Room Ventilation Fans - Tjernlund, Commercial Capacity Dryer Duct Booster Fan, Compact High Velocity Destratification Ceiling Fan, FAI4 Powered Fresh Air Intake Fan Kit with Hood. OIL and GAS FIRED SYSTEMS: National and local building codes are now requiring a FAN PROVING SWITCHColor=green> be installed with the Draft Inducer Motor on gas and oil-fired stoves and furnaces. Removing Black Soot from a Wood Stove Window, Use a Pool Noodle and Socks to Make a Draft Stopper. Low Profile. If required add $150 or call for a special Ebay buy-it-now listing to avoid circumventing of Ebay fees. Fits Most Wood or Coal Burning Stoves Add your voice! The 3-4 inch pipe motors do not come with an adjustable speed control knob but are instead at a fixed speed of 50 CFM and are hardwired or you can buy a pigtail cord outlet for it for $15.00 plus $7.50 shipping. 3-4 inch Pipe Motors have a fixed speed at 50 CFM and are hard-wired, 5-8 inch Pipe Motors for solid fuels have a Variable Speed 30 to 350 CFM and the oil/gas fuels are Hard-wired at 50 or 75 CFM, 1 Amp Motor at 110 VAC with 60 Hz. they say that the wind helps the draft. Also, we found that when the smoke didn't go up the chimney it was time to clean the chimney. Dimensions 7-1/2 x 8-1/2 x 11-5/8 inches, weight 15 lbs, used for 3 thru 8 inch pipe, Pipe GAP Filler (caulk or ceramic wool) available, shipping weight 15 lbs. and the pipe sizes are 5,6,7,8 inches in diameter. %
When mounted on the pipe, the air paddle blades or vanes extend into the pipe about 2 inches. just before opening the door,open your damper all the way,should be straight up and down,when you are finished loading,and until the fire is going good,leave it that way. electrical box to achieve the maximum efficiency of your stove. With the Auto-Draft your hard starting stove Click below to answer. It creates immediate draft or induces a draft in hard-starting wood stoves Smoke back-up problems? Increases burn efficiency. If the draft inducer motor fails or there is a blockage in the chimney, the vacuum inside the inducer housing is lost, thereby opening the circut and shutting off the gas or oil-fired burners. NOTE: For double-walled pipe such as corn and wood-pellet TYPE L Pipe (3 to 4 inches) for corrosive burning appliances, after you cut the hole insert, around the hole-insert perimeter, you must fill the wall GAP with one of the following three: (1) Fiberglass-Mesh Rope (used for doors); or (2) HIGH TEMPERATURE SILICONE CAULK and/or (3) CERAMIC WOOL. You could try opening the controls about half a turn or so for a few minutes before opening the door to load. Prevents reverse draw when fire dies down. Disadvantage is it uses fresh air or heated air in the room and the room has to have availble air to feed it. DRAFT INDUCER FAN FLUE EXHAUST Wood, Pellet, Corn, Coal, Oil, Gas Stove Furnace, AUTHORIZED DEALER with Quality and Service,  DRAFT INDUCER FAN for FLUE EXHAUST GASES, FOR CORN, WOOD-PELLET, AND WOOD LOG STOVES w 3 to 8 INCH PIPE. This will get the heat going up the chimney taking the smoke along with it. There is a larger DRAFT INDUCER FAN available for another $75 add-on charge for larger stoves, furnaces, and boliers where where the BTU Input is 100,000 BTU/Hr to 330,000 BTU/Hr. At the bottom of this pipe, ground level, is a cap which can be unscrewed. draws immediately. stream
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