It also allows you to winterize your pool in complete peace of mind so that you can enjoy clear water as soon as the sun comes out. wSSU1kC,ys-Sp8E%jNqmj}[bpHOU{\~FI|3:nJHJFzKO}\+zGg Made-to-measure bar cover for inground pools starting from25,80/m2. Are you sure that you want to report this comment? In the pool cover business, roller shutters and curtains are pulling their weight. For pools with a maximum volume of 60m, (( 7ZGG8\\2:ii )A RRr..ii`>#PV/@UW *-Y@m2D If you own a swimming pool you have probably already asked yourself questions about which pool cover to choose. ]79R_F7`wS[iO'm+nTk(`TS_mc"[2n;aD:66#y$}JCPR!v[b{Q3=F5zL Our consultants are at your disposal to help you choose the equipment that will meet your needs. The salt electrolyzer function also allows the best regulation of chlorine production by adjusting automatically in case of opening or closing the cover. Connect the efforts made by French industrial operators. Call a pool specialist to find the right pool cover motorisation solution for your needs. You are looking for a spare part for Summer and thermal pool covers ? Adjustable head with variable jet hot/cold mixer tap, Spas The slats cover opens and closes automatically. Its feature is that it has a mobile structure on tracks which allows to cover and secure all free-form pools as well as rectangular classic pools. 0000012748 00000 n The Nextpool Group gathers together the talents of 6 pool equipment and solar protection manufacturers. Hydra Systmes excellence and Abriblues expertise have been one and the same since 2016. This deck can be covered with a wood, stone or composite cladding. Whatever your objectives are, there is bound to be a cover solution to suit your needs. The isothermal cover pool, commonly known as summer cover or bubble cover, floats on top of the water of your pool. The submerged pool slatted cover brings safety and aesthetic. The maximum and minimum dimensions of the above ground cover pool are 6 m x 3 m and 6 x 12 m. For the fixed above ground XXL, the pool cover dimensions are 8 x 14 m. The rolling pool cover Slide & Roll is placed at the end of the swimming pool. The structure at the bottom of the pool allows you to enjoy the entire surface of your pool. H\n0Fy By continuing your visit to this website, you accept the use of cookies to offer services and offers tailored to your interests. It is a safety equipment that complies with the regulations and protects your pool from algae and external pollution. With the automatic travel limit management, it is not necessary to control the winding of the cover. Committed to an eco-responsible policy, Aquarve encourages the installation of covers on the pools it builds, renovates or maintains. 0000004642 00000 n Depending on your needs and the configuration of your pool, not all covers are used in the same way. High-end alternatives to tarpaulins and covers, PVC slatted shutters or curtains are the best thing going in terms of pool covers. Before proceeding with the purchase of a pool cover, it is important to define the objectives of the equipment: Does this cover allow the pool to be protected from the outside environment? It is a valuable aid toavoid having to clean the water too often and to avoid having to turn on the pool cleaning robots too often outside of the swimming season. 9 AVENUE ALBERT 2 And because home automation is more and more present, take advantage of connected solutions to ensure remote and easy management of your pool cover! Our teams work in the Alpes-Maritimes (06) and in particular in the Monaco basin and its surroundings to satisfy your needs. The group participates in several commissions (Lab, HSE, Sustainable Development, Automation, etc.) The only disadvantage of this equipment is its handling. It warms the water, limits the evaporation of the water in the swimming pool, protects the water from falling impurities, dirt, and depending on the model it can allow significant savings in treatment products. Very heavy and solidly attached to the coping, this cover makes the pool safe by greatly limiting the risk of falling and drowning. Equipping your pool with a quality cover means choosing to secure your pool and protect it from debris emanating from the outside environment. It has a self-cleaning niche and is without any visible footprint. 31220 Cazres France, Discover our agency in Salisbury in England and Frillesas in Sweden, Contact us by phone in England+44 (0) 17 22 44 45 90, Contact us by phone in Sweden+46 (0) 703 65 56 30, Aluminum anodized axle diameter 140 mm and thickness 5 mm, Integrated tubular motor in the axle 24 volts. The 320 members of Abriblues team place their expertise at your disposal with their daily and lasting commitment to your safety and comfort. With the above ground cover, your pool water benefits from temperature gain and effective protection against dust, leaves, pollen, algae and any other micro-organism. low electricity consumption, Caliente Easy heat pumps Compliant with the safety standards established by the designation "NF", all the products selected and offered display maximum protection for your family and those around you . The curtain rolls up in a submerged box located at the end of the pool and covered by a grating supported by a beam. 0000001488 00000 n 0000016142 00000 n To help you in this choice, do not hesitate to call on a professional to help you in the selection of your pool cover. The bar covers of the C-SECURIT range are disconcertingly easy to handle, can be quickly rolled up with the geared crank wheel and rolled down just as easily with the toe-strap, and can be put on or taken off quickly by just one person (installation time depends on the size of the pool). The shutter rolls up in a submerged niche, located at the end of the swimming pool. For electricity supply, there are two solutions, mains electricity or battery-operated.You can choose between an above-ground slats cover and an immersed slats cover. It is the same for opening: it will be in a good position from the start on the axis for good functioning. La French Fab brings together businesses, economic players, institutions and industrial sites in France with similar interests, namely the desire to develop French industry. Reserved especially for the summer period, the bubble cover allows you to keep the heat of the water accumulated during the day during the night while protecting the swimming water from dirt. A firm commitment to defending pool and spa professionals while encouraging an approach to innovation and sustainable development throughout the sector (in economic, social and environmental terms). H|UFW1:w509$D=l9V.{{conJ6)$Z'iT ohT%jo4#5tR3>oO@keE6fYZ|?h;-zZD'qCO0([P@H+ Legal information General conditions of sale Personal data Design by MOTION4EVER, Made-to-Measure Bar Cover for Inground Pools. 2003-2018 Swimming Pool OnLine - All rights reserved. 0000000756 00000 n Fast and easy to install, ALLURE pool enclosure Finally, like the bubble cover, the pool bar cover also prevents water evaporation and retains heat during cool summer nights. Intelligent pool water analysis.4 in 1 sensor: temperature, pH, salt content, redox, SeaMAID mini pool projector In France, when you own a swimming pool, it is mandatory to secure the pool. For added comfort and ease, we recommend motorising the opening and closing of your pool bar cover. You can open or close it as you wish, effortless, and with a turn of the key! 0000001386 00000 n Real Piscines supply French and international products of the highest quality with guaranteed ease-of-use and reliabliity. The definition of a discreet and elegant pool slatted cover. Opening hours: From April to SeptemberMonday to Saturday 9am-7pm From October to MarchFrom Monday to Saturday from 9am to 1pm 2:30pm to 6pm, 2567 Chemin de Saint-Claude06600 AntibesFRANCEPhone : +33 (0)4 93 65 65 65Email :,,,, It is fixed on the coping stones. It is compatible with mirror or infinity swimming pools. Do you want to cover your pool? If different technical solutions exist, they can rarely be applied on an existing pool without intervening on the structure and the waterproofing of the pool. Le volet de piscine intgr est une solution de couverture de piscine qui garantit scurit et discrtion, afin de rduire lespace occup autour du bassin. MC Piscine offers custom pool cover solutionsAsk our team now. 0000003241 00000 n It is particularly adapted to square pools, but also to a majority of pools. Spas with a capacity of up to 11 places selected for their fully equipped range of options. Perfectly integrated, it preserves the aesthetics of your environment. Very easy and quick to handle, the cover opens and closes without any difficulty and in minimal time. 0000010099 00000 n When rolled up, the cover is invisible. We have the expertise to serve you. It rolls up in an immersed box, located on one of the sides of the pool. This can be useful if your pool is continually confronted with external debris (leaves, sand ) or even essential if you have young children or even compulsory, in particular to put in safety your bathing area. Aquarve utilise des cookies destins optimiser votre exprience sur ce site et vous proposer des services et des communications adapts vos centres d'intrts. Whichever option you choose to cover your pool, be aware that the shutters have automatic motorisation options to offer you unrivalled convenience. En poursuivant votre navigation sur notre site ou en fermant cette bannire, vous acceptez le dpt des cookies. The C-SECURIT range of custom-fitted bar covers for inground pools is available in four versions: C-SECURIT, C-SECURIT +, C-SECURIT LUX and C-SECURIT MODUL. While this solution is mainly dedicated to pool wintering, some pool wintering covers also have the benefit of securing the pool area as best they can. %PDF-1.5 % This limits the use of often expensive cleaning products. We tailor our offer to your needs and your budget! Your French manufacturer specialising in pool safety covers. While some can be used all year round, other covers are only used during winter or swimming season. CANEA polyester shell mini pool The polycarbonate component heats the water in the pool and allows it to gain several degrees compared to a slatted cover made up of traditional blades. Whatever your need to cover your pool, it is therefore important to select the most suitable equipment for your pool . This standard attests to the quality and conformity of the equipment for securing the pool. Visit the RealHeating shop to find plumbing and heating supplies, including Hep2O push-fit pipe and fittings. More than 134,000 slatted covers installed in France, as well as in 52 other countries, demonstrate unrivalled experience in the design and manufacture of safety covers. 0000001930 00000 n Conformment la loi informatique et liberts , vous pouvez exercer votre droit d'accs aux donnes vous concernant et les faire rectifier en contactant : le Responsable de la protection des donnes, ZA de Masqure 31220 CAZRES ou par email sur en prcisant dans lobjet du courrier Droit des personnes et en joignant la copie de votre justificatif didentit. This heavy cover designed to winterize the pool is not easy to put in place, especially if you are alone. To support you in the choice of your equipment, MC Piscine offers automated, secure and aesthetic solutions to cover your swimming pool. The result: bathing water is always pleasant. Email: _Aq*.0s[fLN1M2+37}&s|2of*a0hh%!Qok'5FLj@6"11lc1x#@ |{ endstream endobj 360 0 obj <>>> endobj 361 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 362 0 obj <> endobj 363 0 obj [/ICCBased 376 0 R] endobj 364 0 obj <> endobj 365 0 obj <> endobj 366 0 obj <> endobj 367 0 obj <>stream On the other hand, this pool cover also provides optimal safety to prevent the risk of falling and drowning in the pool. The polycarbonate blades combine the perfect insulation offered by PVC blades and the polycarbonate energy performance. 0000005428 00000 n En continuant naviguer sur notre site, vous consentez l'utilisation de ces cookies. Lots of promotions at discount prices! Please click the button below. More aesthetic solutions, more effective for pool safety and easier to use, this equipment is often preferred by owners of luxury pools. Unsere Kontaktinformationen finden Sie u. a. in der Datenschutzerklrung. Ideal for equipping the pool effectively during the four seasons, the bar cover serves several purposes. There is a wide range of isothermal covers. You can choose the PVC color (grey, white, beige or blue). 0000007863 00000 n The latter allows the tarpaulin to be progressively unrolled so that it lays on the surface of the water. It must be said that there are many options for protecting and securing your pool. From pool measurements to delivery and installation, our teams can tailor the service to your requirements. In the case of a pool cover, the equipment must be able to absorb a minimum weight of 100 Kilos in the event of a fall without risk of accident to benefit from the mandatory standard. It is compatible with mirror or infinity pools. Aquarve is committed to an eco-responsible policy, and favors these latest generation blades, exclusive to the Breton company DEL. Bar covers are perfectly suited for daily use in spring and summer. The properties of this cover therefore offer isothermal protection that greatly limits water evaporation and heat loss. 0000008653 00000 n For more information about the security of your pool, contact the MC Piscine company: we travel to Monaco, Menton, Roquebrune Cap Martin, Villefranche, Cap d'Ail Have a custom pool cover installedMC Piscine is at your service to provide a free estimate. Composed of very robust PVC blades, the safety cover has a long life and is particularly strong. Whatever the treatment used to winterise your pool (active or passive), this special winter-dedicated cover does not alter the quality of the water and instead ensures maximum sanitary preservation of the pool water. The bar cover is a simple and effective way to protect and secure your pool. large capacity pre-filter, Domo BLUE automatically and constantly measures the quality of your pool water Their many qualities in terms of strength, design and performance make automatic roller shutters almost unavoidable equipment when looking for a suitable pool cover. It is possible to cut blades according to your stairs, angles and shape of your pool. In fact, all our automatic covers models are equipped with a powerful motor that allows a daily use without effort. Embody the prosperous future of French industry and the attractiveness of its constituent activities, of training for employment (initial, professional, or ongoing). Unlike the above-ground cover, the submerged cover is invisible when the pool is open. /J$)"W}4Rq"}K{Fg3f7=N\kEHi~I. Other product : Summer and thermal pool covers It is totally invisible, without any grating and without taking up any floor space. It is an immersed safety shutter, made to measure. Composed of articulated air-filled PVC blades that float on the water and a motorized roller, the automatic pool cover is a multi-function equipment: All the safety features, plus the aesthetics of discretion. Please fill in this form carefully. Starting from 5.02 eur Including VAT. Copyright document.write(year) -All Rights Reserved. It is the ideal solution to protect your pool by reducing the occupied area and the cost. 0000002675 00000 n 0000016105 00000 n The cover can also have polycarbonate blades (transparent, blue, grey or black). Alarm via Smartphone or Lighthouse available on option, Caliente Design PVC Solar shower 20l Our covers can be adapted to both existing pools and swimming pools under construction. Adaptable to the majority of swimming pools, whatever their shape, it is a true guarantee of safety that ensures you use your pool in all serenity. Experience, a sense of service, proximity and innovation are some of the key values that have enabled us to establish genuine long-term partnerships with all our professional clients. ABRIBLUE is French manufacturer that has been specialising in safety covers for pools for more than 35 years. Your report has been submitted and will be considered by a moderator. For pools up to 50m3, Aquabot 3 The C-SECURIT bar covers for pools larger than 10 x 5 in size are systematically delivered with 2 crank wheels to ensure an even easier handling. cleans the bottom surface of pool, Alert in the case of immersion or distancing, We are constantly on the lookout for the best technologies in terms of resistance, reliability, longevity and ecological impact of the products we install. This thermal and protective cover solution does not protect your children in the event of a fall into the pool.The risk of drowning is therefore well and truly present with this equipment and it is mandatory to complete it with a safety barrier. It is set during installation: when the cover is closed, the cover ends up in the desired place adjusted to the straps. Does this cover protect access to the pool to prevent the risk of drowning? hb```a``b`c`8 B@16,==y? kS;uFpHkmXo kt &ONf#" 1RMsh.SqP"P%C@`RC|=k >k7JkTs$$s&E"r6

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