document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.color = '#000'; tt.src = document.location.protocol + "//" + turnToConfig.siteKey + "/turnto-chatter.js"; Our guys have seen thousands of pools in their careers, no exaggeration. TurnTojQuery('#TTinputTeaserClear').hide(); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; g1Test = PGDesc2; + clazzNam); Pool Supply Unlimited is an e-commerce company that loves water. gtag('config', 'G-ZBEYLL99D3'); clickReviewsTab(); TurnTojQuery("#TTinputTeaserQCust1").keypress(function (e) { xmlHttp2=GetXmlHttpObject(stateChanged2); tt.async = true; if (g1 == 'PGDesc3') { TurnTojQuery('#TTinputTeaserClear').css('visibility', 'hidden'); fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); iteasers.find('.TTwriteReview').click(teaserClickFn); $(sku).html(sku_html); '5' : '0') siteKey: "yRp1airOmrQ7v2Fsite", }; var html = '
' + // example 2: window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 2 product ratings - CHECK VALVE 1/2" FIPT CLEAR PVC - SPEARS S1520C05F. document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #000'; Pipe Cutting, Threading, Grooving & Bevels. document.getElementById('ProductNewReviewsContent').style.display = 'none'; /** clickReviewsTabFromTeaser(); pool_shape = pool_shape_radio[i].value; Spears Utility Ball Valve, 2 in Nominal, Socket, 150 psi Pressure Rating, 140 deg F Temperature, T-Handle Actuator, PVC Ball, 5-3/16 in Inlet to Outlet Length, 3-7/8 in Top to Inlet Center, PVC Body, PVC Trim, Softgoods Material: EPDM, A high quality, economical quarter-turn shutoff valve designed for irrigation, pool and spa, and general purpose applications. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), reviewsTeaserFunc: customReviewsTeaser t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; } a.TTwriteReview:active {color: #0990ba; text-decoration:underline;} var clazzNam = clazz || "TurnToReviewsTeaser"; Get Rewards and Special Pricing on Select Brands, This product is currently available to purchase, 429-533FE | 6X5 PVC REDUCING COUPLING ECCENTRIC SOCKET SCH40 | (PG:047), 429-339FE | 3X2-1/2 PVC ECCENTRIC REDUCING COUPL SOCKET SCH40 | (PG:047), 429-292FE | 2-1/2X2 PVC REDUCING COUPLING ECCENTRIC SOCKET SCH40 | (PG:047), 429-249 | 2X1 PVC REDUCING COUPLING SOCKET SCH40 | (PG:040), 406-040LSF | 4 PVC LONG SWEEP 90 ELBOW SOCKET SCH40 FABRICATED | (PG:047), 854P-020-1S | 2 PVC V/S SPLIT FLANGE RING W/2-HALVES | (PG:080), Lab Ball Valves & Utility Ball Valves & CWV Ball Valves. List Price: $13.94 $57.37. To login, enter your email address and password below. (function() { {{vm.product.erpDescription}} var clearHandler = function () { // Please note: these examples will not work on your site. document.getElementById('ProductNewReviews').style.color = '#838383'; } IPS sizes 1/2 in - 2 in available in PVC White, PVC Gray or CPVC with socket or threaded end connectors. /** Do not include HTML, links, references to other stores, pricing or contact info. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. rating = rating.substring(0, 1) + "-" + (decimal >= 5 ? } * This would be an existing function that you use on your site to click on the tab. if (document.getElementById(shID).style.display == 'none') { ('or Browse ' + (data.counts.q + ' question' + (data.counts.q == 1 ? "" ''); if (document.getElementById(shID)) { var url="modules/calculatepaint.php?pool_length=" + pool_length + "&pool_width=" + pool_width + "&paint_type=" + paint_type + "&pool_shape=" + pool_shape ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} function clickReviewsTab() { '' + else { var iteasers = TurnTojQuery("." } else { } if (paint_type_radio[i].checked) { Phone: 2021 Consolidated Supply Co. All Rights Reserved. break; // $('[href=#tab3]').parent().trigger("click"); * '
' + TurnTojQuery(".TTteaSearchLinkCust1").click(function () { document.getElementById("example-show").style.display = 'none'; paint_type = paint_type_radio[i].value; if (TurnTojQuery.browser.msie && TurnTojQuery.browser.version.indexOf('.') document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #D9D9D9'; paginationQuestionsShownInitially: 5, var PGDesc5 = 'Choice1'; | Oregon CCB License #210054, Proudly Serving Oregon, Washington & Idaho, {{vm.settings.showInventoryAvailability}}, / {{vm.product.unitOfMeasureDescription || vm.product.unitOfMeasureDisplay}}, ({{vm.findUnitOfMeasureQuantity(vm.product.unitOfMeasureDisplay)}}), You have been successfully subscribed to our newsletter. padding: 0; */ g1Test = PGDesc1; var pool_length = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pool_length").value); // $('#sell_content').find("li a").eq(4).trigger("click") } if (TurnTojQuery('#TTinputTeaserQCust1').val().length == 0) { * This is just an example of how to call your tab click function and scroll down to it. q = $(p).html(); }); iteasers.html(html); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Halogen Supply Company, Excellent pre-sale and after-sale service, Provides regular training on product line, Includes retail websites in their dealer locator. break; }); If you exceed that amount in one day, we will only be able to fulfill up to the maximum quantity allowed. '
' + iteasers.find('.TTreadReviews').click(teaserClickFn); document.getElementById("example-show").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('ProductNewReviews').style.color = '#000'; })(); '
' + document.getElementById("example-hide").style.display = 'block'; } font-size: 2em; $('form.cart').on('show_variation', function( event, data ) { h2 { : "s") + ' and ' + data.counts.a + ' answer' + (data.counts.a == 1 ? "" var PGDesc4 = 'Choice1'; document.getElementById(shID).style.display = 'none'; // Initialize Pentair / Channel Advisor Sales Reporting } ga('send', 'pageview'); . Sizes 3 to 4 in av. View cart for details. var pool_shape; tt.src = document.location.protocol + "//" + turnToConfig.siteKey + "/tra.js"; window.scrollTo(0, qaTabPos.offset().top); + clazzNam); var PGDesc2 = 'Choice1'; } var AverageRating = rating; }); '
' + All Rights Reserved. if ( data.price_html ) { 2022 Blackhawk Supply. { type="text">' + } } Please leave this field empty. {{::vm.defaultWarehouse.address1}}, '
'; document.getElementById('ProductNewReviews').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #D9D9D9'; * A good way to do this is to trigger a tab click with jQuery. reviewsSetupType: "staticEmbed", Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. width: 100%; BPSBusiness Accounts: Special Pricing, Payment Terms & Expedited Ordering. } if (e.which == 13) { var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; background-color: #333; The photo is for representation purposes only and may not be a photo of product being purchased. } height: 100%; Hay muchas maneras diferentes de contactarnos, y nos gustara hablar con usted sobre las preguntas de su compra, ayudarle a diagnosticar los problemas de su equipo y escuchar acerca de cmo podemos mejorar y todo lo que est en su mente. '
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'; g1Test = PGDesc3; function stateChanged2() Note: Standard 6" Valve uses Lever-Style Handle for proper leverage. Join for FREE! '
' + setupType: "staticEmbed", }); Be the first! s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', if( data.sku) { text-align:center; ' ' + + ' (' + TurnToItemData.counts.r + ' REVIEW' + (TurnToItemData.counts.r == 1 ? '' var PGDesc1 = 'Choice1'; var sku = 'span.sku' if (pool_shape_radio[i].checked) { var rating = Math.round(( + 0.25) * 100.0) / 100.0; $(sku).html(data.sku); document.getElementById("example-hide").style.display = 'none'; * Do not copy this exactly but use it as basis for you site specific implementation. jQuery(function($) { : "s")) + '') : '') + } fbq('track', 'PageView'); We are limiting the quantity available to {{}} units per company per day for this product. })(); function GetGallonsNeeded(id) paginationReviewsShownInitially: 5, } There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}, Spears Ball Check Valve 4529-020 2" Non Shock 235 PSI Pvc1 Nsf-pw, NOS 2" Spears CTS CPVC 100 PSI Water Ball Valve @ 180 F Adcbaf1 Made in USA, Check Valve 3/4" Swing Threaded FIPT Clear Sch 80 PVC - Spears S1520c07f, Spears Clear PVC Check Valve 1 FIPT S1520C10F, (2) SPEARS 1/2" SOCKET PVC COMPACT BALL VALVE # 2122-005, Spears 2122-020C CPVC Schedule 80 Compact Ball Valve. width: 100%; for (var i = 0, length = pool_shape_radio.length; i < length; i++) { } } var clazzNam = clazz || "TurnToItemInputTeaser"; break; } var htmlCode = window.location.href = ""; document.getElementById("TurnToReviewsTeaser2").innerHTML = html; '
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' + color: #4b4b4b; function clickReviewsTabFromTeaser() { if (g1 == 'PGDesc5') { } xmlHttp2.send(null); We love to pump it, filter it, heat it, chlorinate it, light it up and stare at it while we're barbequing a fat, juicy steak. } TurnTojQuery("#TTinputTeaserQCust1").keyup(clearHandler).blur(clearHandler); sTrack.initialise(); case "ProductNewQA": We are based in Southern California and can land most products to your door (within the 48 contiguous states) in less than a week. } } '
' + position: fixed; Product typically available for delivery in 1-2 business days, Due to raw material and supply chain issues price and availability of this product are volatile. switch(LayerName) { {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? : 'S') + ')' + s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt,s); case "ProductNewReviews": '
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