You can add instances of other processes, including multiple instances of a process on a node. Cache Server, and Data Server: Set to 2 instances. For example, for AWS installations, the 4 core minimum recommendation is equivalent of 8 AWS vCPUs. To create an HA installation, follow the same steps you take to create a distributed deployment but include additional steps to make the deployment highly available. If your initial node fails for reasons that are recoverable in a relatively short amount of time (for example, a hardware failure you can correct), you should first attempt to bring the node back up without using the procedure below. High availability is about minimizing the system downtime. For more information, see Install and initialize an additional node. If not configured to use ATR, Tableau Server can continue to run for up to 72 hours after an initial node failure, before the lack of the licensing service impacts other processes. 8 physical cores (16vCPUs), 2.0 GHz or higher. Discover more tools to help deploy, support, and scale Tableau analytics across your organization. There are two common strategies for achieving HA. A well-defined Disaster Recovery plan with regular testing will prepare you and your enterprise to act quickly and precisely during a disaster so there is minimal impact to your business. For example, on the node where it is dedicated to running backgrounder, initially, you can set the number of backgrounders to minimum (total number of cores divided by four), and increase the number of backgrounder processes later if you find that: Extract refreshes are taking a long time to complete, Subscriptions and alerts are not completing on time. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for any additional nodes you want to install. This whitepaper outlines the high-availability and disaster-recovery features in Tableau Server 2018.2, after the release of the Tableau Services Manager (TSM). The node roles features allows you to dedicate and scale resources to specific workloads. In general, the considerations and recommendations described in this topic apply to virtual environment and cloud deployments. Ahigh availability Tableau Server installation is a special type of distributed installation, designed to accommodate failure in key server components without loss of complete server functionality. HA in Tableau Server is mainly achieved by: File redundancy with multiple File Store/Data Engine instances. If you are required to run three separate environments, try not to replicate a traditional waterfall development cycle with a modern analytics platform. The hardware recommendations for production Tableau Server installations below are based on the hardware that the Tableau team uses to test Tableau Server scalability. - Fast and Easy Visual Analysis with Tableau Software. For more information, see Tableau monitoring and Measurement of Tableau user engagement and adoption. Below is the number of instances of the processes for an 8 core machine: VizQL Server: Set to 2 instances. The second is detecting when there are failures and triggering reliable failover mechanisms as necessary. Having a few extremely large extracts could put your deployment in this category, as would having many small extracts. In addition to your production environment, Tableau recommends one test environment for testing upgrades and server topology changes. The diagram above shows the maximum for an 8 core node. A well-executed Tableau Server deployment consists of 5 essential steps: It also describes how to architect, configure, and deploy on a variety of hardware to ensure stability and reliability. Similarly, follow the best practices provided by your virtual infrastructure provider to make sure Tableau Server has access to the appropriate compute, memory, and data resources. One instance of Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Application Server enabled, and one instance of Non-Interactive Microservice Container is installed on a node that has Backgrounder enabled. This whitepaper outlines High Availability in Tableau Server 2018.2 with Tableau Services Manager. The production and test environments should have identical hardware specs, server topology and configuration. For single-node deployments, you may also turn off Tableau Server machines during downtimes to reduce machine costs. Your Tableau account team is available to assess your requirements and assist with sizing. Step 3: Load Testing He has presented on numerous topics, including Tableau Server scalability and performance as well as high-performance analytical databases. However you may not have enough information about these variables when you deploy Tableau Server for the first time. Advanced high availability, robust failover, and fast disaster recovery is why the largest companies in the world choose Tableau for their enterprise analytics. A number of processes are installed when you install Tableau Server. Amazon RDS offers scalability, reliability, high availability and security built in for PostgreSQL. High availability is achieved by eliminating single points of failure and detecting failures and setting up a reliable failover system. It also describes how to architect, configure, and deploy on a variety of hardware. It also demonstrates how the performance of Tableau Server 10 compares with earlier versions. Tableau is the mission critical key to an organizations modern enterprise analytics platform. All rights reserved, Tableau Server high availability white paper, Measurement of Tableau user engagement and adoption, Google Compute Engine virtual machine type and size (, Microsoft Azure virtual machine type and size (, Alibaba Cloud ECS instance type and size (, Install the initial node and allow the architecture-aware smart installer to configure processes (, Replicate the process configuration on other VizQL nodes, ensuring redundancy (, Add Coordination Service Ensemble and Client File Service (. If there is a problem with the initial node and you have redundant processes on your other nodes, there is no guarantee that Tableau Server will continue to run. You cannot install a multi-node instance of Tableau Server on a combination of Linux and Windows nodes. Stand-alone single server node with all the processes installed on one machine. These are the general steps you follow to create a distributed installation of Tableau Server: Begin by installing Tableau Server on your initial node. But you can utilise hot topology to responsively adjust Tableau Server process allocation, allowing you to tune the balance of machine costs and capacity needs. On the initial node, install all the processes. This allows you to recover from the failure while using resources you already have in the cluster. Use the TSM Backup command to generate a backup of the Tableau Server and restore that backup on a new machine. 2003-2022 Tableau Software LLC. Even when configured with redundant processes, it is possible that Tableau Server may not continue to function after the initial node fails. Like other enterprise platforms, Tableau Server scales up by adding processor, memory, and disk to existing node, and scales out by adding more nodes to a cluster. To determine your hardware platform and sizing, consider these variables: your environment, sources of data and management to provide self-service data access, potential workload from all users and actual usage data. Here are some instances when a single server installation may not be right for you: If your system is considered mission critical and needs to be highly available. A highly available installation of Tableau Server is a distributed installation that is designed to maximize the availability of Tableau Server. Start with a two node configuration when the following conditions apply to you: Extract heavy environment: Majority of your data sources are extracts. These instructions assume that your cluster meets the Distributed Requirements. The subset of Tableau Server that require a valid Tableau Server license are considered "licensed processes.". Redundancy and automatic failover of our Data Repository means there are no single points of failure for a cluster. On the initial node, set the Backgrounder node role to run all job types including flows using the tsm topology set-node-role tsm configuration. Users may favour the QA environment to circumvent stringent policies or delays to get content into production, so work towards a good balance by automating content migration to the production server with the Content Migration Tool found in the Tableau Server Management Add-on or custom workflow scripts using Tableaus REST APIs. as well as a contributing author to Tableau Your Data! Scalability and performance are heavily dependent on external systems, such as sources of data, volume of data, network speeds, user workloads and workbook design, which can change rapidly as deployments progress. Below is the number of instances of the processes for an 8 core machine: Backgrounder: Minimum 2, maximum 4. If the process is not able to verify that it is licensed (if the primary node is unavailable, for example) it cannot run, but it continues to check for a valid license until it confirms the license. The development environment does not have to have identical hardware specs to the production and QA environments, unless the development environment is used for upgrade testing or participation in beta programmes. The type of license you have may determine how many nodes you can install Tableau on. To isolate the workload of the backgrounder process, add specialized backgrounder nodes, ensuring redundancy, as shown in Nodes 4 and 5 below. His analytical style revolves around people and context, and in an industry consumed with defaults, he believes that data intelligence starts with giving people access to their information with collaboration in mind. The configuration of your Tableau Server can be different depending on your requirements and variables: For more information on Tableau Server scalability and the variables affecting scalability, see Tableau Server Scalability whitepaper. Before finalising your environment, consider testing both performance and availability to ensure you have the appropriate balance for your data community. For server installations of three or more nodes, we recommend that you add additional instances of the Coordination Service by deploying a new Coordination Service ensemble. Today, self-service analytics and data-driven decision-making are the norm in organizations worldwide. The fewest number of computers required to achieve this configuration is three. Taking a snapshot of a Tableau Server machine and restoring on a new machine is not supported. Deployments where extracts are frequently refreshed (for example, several times a day during business hours) are often helped by more emphasis on the background process, which handles refresh tasks. You also need to make sure the computer you install Tableau Server on has adequate resources to handle the processes and the demands of users and data. The successful functioning of Tableau Server depends on a properly functioning Coordination Service. By supporting both live and extract data types, a restored Tableau Server is available immediately, even without access to the original data sources. We know that failures happen in real life and the best way to protect against these failures is to ensure redundancy in the system. The table below illustrates how to plan for a range of RTO requirements: New hardware/VMs obtained in case of an outage, Dedicated hardware that is always running with identical configuration and topology to production, Backups are restored regularly to the DR environment, Restore latest backup to the cold standby environment, External load balancer/DNS routing that can be updated to point to the DR environment. There is less redundancy and fewer safeguards in the event of a problem with one of the server processes. Backgrounder, Cache Server, and Data Server: Set to 2 instances. Auto-scaling functionality that terminates or instantiates machines based on demand is not supported. Today, self-service analytics and data-driven decision-making are the norm in organizations worldwide. Determining the topology (number of nodes, number of Tableau Server processes) of your Tableau Server deployment requires you to consider these variables: your environment, sources of data and management to provide self-service data access, workload, and usage. Eric is a principal business intelligence consultant for InterWorks. Move all the licensed process from the initial node to additional nodes. When planning for disaster recovery (DR) in your Tableau environment, there are two main factors to consider: Recovery Time Objective (RTO), a measure of how much downtime your business can accept before a full recovery. Using these workload coefficients, you can estimate the clusters capacity. Single Server installations can also be expanded to multi-node installation as your workloads grow. This reliance on data requires a high degree of availability and stability of the underlying systems. If you plan to have flows on your Tableau Server, it is recommended that you use two or more nodes and dedicated one of these nodes to run only flows. To calculate the minimum number of backgrounder processes to run on this node, divide the computers total number of physical cores by 4. With a simple restart of the server, you can also change the underlying machines supporting the platform as long as their public IP address does not change. The need for specialised nodes evolves over time. Tableau is in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and has worked with a certified public accounting firm to perform an in-depth audit of the control objectives and activities for Tableau Cloud. Tableau Server is easy to install and configure yet has many features that can add complexity to deployments. To build in redundancy, you need to add additional nodes to host instances of the repository and File Store/Data Engine processes. All Rights Reserved, High Availability for Tableau Server 10 whitepaper. Deployments where extracts are frequently refreshed, such as several times a day during business hours, should be isolated on specialized backgrounder nodes. This whitepaper provides a deep dive into Tableaus architecture and how it scales with increasing workloads. The relative workload of each licence type must be factored into hardware sizing. Index and Search Server : Index and Search Server memory can be configured to improve performance by using the indexandsearchserver.vmopts TSM configuration option. Follow the pattern below to build your HA cluster: A 3-node Tableau Server HA deployment (note: Coordination Service and Client File Service are not explicitly shown). He has worked for Fortune 500 companies as well as small businesses, helping them understand their vast data troves. You do not have to configure a standby initial node in case the initial node fails. Typically 2 vCPUs = 1 physical core for Tableau Server. For example, deploying each node of Tableau Server in its own virtual network or in different availability zones/zones are both supported. Note: This configuration assumes that you do not have Tableau Prep Conductor enabled on your Tableau Server. By integrating with AWS to configure an external repository for Tableau Server, you will be able to take advantage of these additional benefits of the cloud. Note: All nodes in a multi-node cluster must have the same type of operating system. VizQL Server: Set to 2 instances (default calculation: Number of physical cores divided by 4, up to a maximum of 4). Some organisations have IT policies that require three environments Development, QA, and Production to isolate use cases for content development, testing and consumption into separate Tableau Server installations. Brad is a solution architect based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. For an example of how to conduct such a test, please see the Tableau at the speed of EC2 white paper. Extract-heavy and frequent extract refresh workloads should be isolated from the interactive visualisation-rendering workload. For example, you may have heavy extract environments which can mean dedicating some hardware resources to Backgrounder process. A 5-node Tableau Server HA deployment (note: Coordination Service and Client File Service are not explicitly shown). Start with a two node configuration if you are planning to publish, schedule, and manage flows on your Tableau Server. Nodes must meet or exceed the minimum hardware recommendations, except in the following scenarios where a node can be configured with 4 physical cores (8 vCPUs): Dedicated node for Tableau Prep Conductor. For more information, see Add a Load Balancer. High availability is natively supported on server clusters with three or more nodes; each node contributes to the quorum, and the group helps verify each others health. If cost is a consideration, virtual hardware is also viable. This provides redundancy and improved availability in the event that one instance of the Coordination Service has problems. Eric has been a key presenter at numerous conferences and lectures on the subjects of data visualization and the impact of Tableau in the enterprise. Mike is a 2015 Tableau Zen Master Below are the number of processes for an 8 core machine. This reliance on data requires a high degree of availability to the underlying systems. These must include a second copy of the Tableau Server repository, and a second copy of the data engine and file store, as well as additional instances of the gateway. Please note: If you are running Tableau Server from version 10 to version 2018.1 (without Tableau Services Manager), please see the High Availability Whitepaper for Tableau 10. Two Node Installation - Specialized for extract heavy environments. In an initial deployment of Tableau, you should estimate 600-800 Explorers per 8-core node, assuming 10% active users (interactive, concurrent requests made to Tableau Server, including consuming dashboards on a laptop or mobile device, web authoring, and connecting to and querying published data sources).
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