Its time for our communities to understand the level of knowledge and attention needed to meet or exceed these expectations. }); industry to be recognized for the influence we have. FOGBMP is a cloud based, FOG management software control program that connects your municipality with FOG generating facilities and waste haulers through a centralized program. The spill took place in Compton after a grease blockage caused sewage to overflow from a manhole, according to the Los Angeles Times. } else if (pr_pos >= $(window).scrollTop()) { Notes should be equal to or lesser than 4000 chars. $('i', obj) .removeClass('fa-spin'); r.queue=[],r.loaded=1*new Date,r.version="1.0.0", Kitchen staff FOG handling training modules with certificates of completion. */ Profiles all licensed & approved disposal facilities. This fails most of the time and causes the massive turnover we see within the F.O.G. It is time for the F.O.G. It is not enough for IKECA and USFOGA to know its influence and only reach the couple hundred members they have. var tabIndex = offsets.indexOf(tabVal); IKECA Annual Meeting is a platform whose members are the top leaders in the commercial kitchen cleaning industry and are committed to fire prevention and life safety. }, ms); function cbIsBoothInExpoPlan(json) { All rights reserved. e.preventDefault(); Message should be equal to or lesser than 1000 chars. if ($("#" + dItemContainer).attr("class") == "ItemDetailContainerVisible") { $('#dvTopSidebar').hide(); Water samples from Long Beachs 7 miles of public beach are routinely collected and tested to monitor bacteria levels, according to CBS Los Angeles. SAVE THE DATE USFOGA GULF REGION TRAINING AND EDUCATION CONFERENCE MAY 4th & 5th, HOUSTON TEXAS. } catch (e) { 60 Years of Commercial Pressure Washing Services, Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Hood Systems During Covid-19 Pandemic, Industry Networking at IKECA Conference 2017, Professional Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Certification, Underground garage power seeping and power washing. $('[class^=ItemDetailContainerVisible]').attr("class", "ItemDetailContainerHidden"); r.invoke.apply(r,arguments):r.queue.push(arguments)}, /* }); if (jQuery('#ShowSpecialList').height() == null) var ss_pos = 0; [], The Painful Pandemic Covid-19 has really disrupted our lives. This is because we make food service and preparation facilities safer and our communitys groundwater safer every time we service a F.O.G. The most comprehensive FOG control management program on the market today! All rights reserved. } } var blnIsDetailVisible = false; NOTE: Many features on ICCSafe's website require JavaScript. intRootContactID = window.parent.intRootContactID; } A non-profit industry association accredited by the American National Standards Institute to develop, publish and maintain standards for the industry, IKECA develops voluntary consensus standards for the cleaning, inspection and user maintenance of commercial cooking operations for the purpose of protecting life and property from fire. .addClass('removeFromExpoPlan').addClass('fa-star') // // document.getElementById('id').offsetTop or $('selector').offset().top if (strControl.length > 0) { The fact is that F.O.G. */ jQuery('#booth_nav_container').offset().top : 0; else Whether you need to create a FOG program or enhance your current FOG program, FOG BMP provides your municipality with all the tools necessary to be in full compliance with EPA regulations. (Passcode: %y&^9vM6), Day Two: Backflow & Cross Connection Management if(window.parent && window.parent.intRootContactID) { .removeClass('fa-spin'); Time-lined tracking & alerts for delinquent grease trapcleanings. // // 40 is the offsetTop of the menu. My understanding of the KEC industry and F.O.G. FOG BMP was created with assistance from actual FOG inspectors and waste haulers throughout the country. // remove active class from menu items Attendance is free and lunch will be provided. US FOG Alliance thanks it's members for their continued support. function ShowItemDetail(dItemContainer) { $(document).ready(function (e) { Keep up-to-date on crucial industry news, innovative training and expert technical advice with a free subscription to the award-winning Building Safety Journal. // // it's defined that way. var pr_pos = 0; Email: Are you interested in a superhero opportunity with [], We are so proud to own and operate our business in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. var divId = $(o).attr('href'); var showNav = getParameterByName("Nav"); service providers are some of the most important people in the supply chain of safety and environmental protection in the world. additional_info_pos = -1; services firms deserve the same respect that any critical function in society does. var additional_info_pos = 0; if (json == true) { } else { }); Profiles each facilitys grease trap(s), size, type, location etc. + $(divId).nextUntil('div[id]').get().map(function(o) {return $(o).height();}).reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0) if (showNav.toLowerCase() == 'false') { } services work is full of unskilled labor and just another dirty job. If you're already an ICC member Sign In Now. } '_blank'); else Profiles all licensed & approved waste haulers in yourjurisdiction. $('a', $("#" + dItemContainer).parent()).removeClass('collapsed'); We provide fire safety services to businesses such as schools, restaurants, apartments, hospitals and clinics.We have over 35 years of experience in the industry and are current members of IKECA, NFPA and NAFED. To get your offsetTop you can use var offsets = $('.nav.nav-tabs a').get().map(function(o) { if (jQuery('#ProductList').height() == null) We will email you a link to reset your password. An investigation found that the 60-year-old pipe had deteriorated from sulfuric acid buildup and may have become overburdened after record-setting rainfall hit most of California in December, according to the LA Times. }(window,document,"script","","feathr"); It will enhance public safety by reducing the potential fire safety hazards associated with commercial kitchen exhaust systems, irrespective of the type of cooking equipment used and whether used in public or private facilities. var home_pos = jQuery('#HomeEnd').offset().top; } else { .attr('title', 'Add to My Exhibitors') Phone: 1 (855) FOG-BMP1 You can enable JavaScript via your browser's preference settings. } else { 2020 Broadway Street Northeast, Suite 100 feathr("fly", "5b5b82f344f07b7a75e6fbcc"); Brian Smith is the Founder and Managing Partner at IA Business Advisors the leading business advisory firm to the KEC Industry, IA supports clients across the United States and in 32 other countries. USA, By continuing past this page, you agree to our, 7200 N Scottsdale Rd, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253, your friends, colleagues, customers and clients to this event, Jogja International Furniture & Craft Fair Indonesia, Fort Lauderdale Home Design and Remodeling Show, Desert Foot Annual Multi-Disciplinary Limb Salvage and Wound Care Conference. $('.ProductCategoryContainer a').attr('target', '_blank'); function getParameterByName(name) { F.O.G. var obj = $('.addRemoveExpoPlan a[data-boothid="' + 107028 + '"]'); service provider or AHJ, owner, or manager; someone that influences those spaces; or a client receiving services for your restaurant/commercial cooking operation(s). Minneapolis, MN 55413 Adherence to this standard shall be maintained by persons familiar with cooking operations, related equipment and processes. parent.eventMap.mapBooth(BoothID, MapID, boothLabels); 7200 N Scottsdale Rd, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253Phoenix, Fully functional from your desktop, tablet, or smartphone. else if (results == null) name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); jQuery('#booth_nav_container').parent().offset().top : 0; } $('.booth_nav_container').css({ } When it comes to managing Fats, Oils, & Grease and the facilities that generate FOG, theres no better way than utilizing the FOGBMP program. $('[id^=iExpandCollapse]').attr("src", "../Images/expand_15.png"); $('i.fa', $('#dPressRelease_' + strPRID).siblings(null, '.panel-body')).removeClass('fa-minus').addClass('fa-plus'); }. } More information is available on the IKECA Standards webpage. system. Before joining the F.O.G. $('#TopRunner').hide(); */ Sam Mcleod return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); var intRequestCoID = '2153'; services company provides. // activate the new div near by the top of the window This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. // read all nav items and get the corresponding top of all target divs var strTask = ''; .removeClass('removeFromExpoPlan').removeClass('fa-star') Please send any comments or questions directly to John Dixon at no later than Aug. 15, 2018. The general hope is that they will obtain knowledge through osmosis from the other team members. return ""; window.parent.exhibitorList.GetMyExpoPlan() } else if (ss_pos >= $(window).scrollTop()) { It is understanding this influence that I hope to imprint on the minds of others. if (star.hasClass('addToExpoPlan')) { var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; Long Beach Health Department inspectors are monitoring water quality along the affected section of the beach, the outlet reported, and beachgoers are urged to pay attention to any warning signs that have been posted near the water. services firms often hire with the intention, Im just going to hire a body to put on a truck. The individuals who are hired are then paid based on this mindset. The understanding that is required to clean a kitchen exhaust system, the knowledge of regulations, the level of detail and the individual sacrifice to ensure the job is done in a way that meets or exceeds client, regulatory, and individual expectations is beyond what most people can comprehend. Owners of F.O.G. This standard does not apply to residential kitchen exhaust systems, replacement air systems, heating and air-conditioning systems, dryer exhaust systems, and toilet exhaust systems. standards are set to keep restaurant and commercial environments clean and safe and ensure grease stays out of the groundwater system.. strControl = ''; } During our 55 years, we have seen Toronto [], Another great conference for the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association. prior to my involvement with Omni Containment Systems was limited to paying for the kitchen exhaust cleaning services in our restaurants. star.addClass('fa-spin'); Unlimited users within your municipality. } $(document).ready(function (e) { else In everything we do, were out to win your business for life. prod_pos = jQuery('#Product').offset().top + jQuery('#ProductList').height() * 0.75; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); if (home_pos >= $(window).scrollTop()) { parent.eventMap.hideModal(); } else if (strTask == 'Products') { strControl = '#ShowSpecial'; Would you quit your job and start a new business in an industry that had little credibility and a lot of uncertainty? For more information please visit: community, whether you are a F.O.G. For More Information Email:, To register follow the link below:, Or go to and search Gulf Region Fats, Oils, & Grease Conference. $('.booth_nav_container').css({ e.preventDefault(); Customizable FOG inspection module with NOVs, warnings & fines. if(window.parent && window.parent.exhibitorList) Services community, I never paid attention to what these workers did in my own or my clients restaurants. } Phone: 651-291-9150/1-800-444-9150 | Email: Minnesota Safety Council. Follow the link below to register. To join US FOG Alliance, please visit our membership page or call toll free 1-855-364-2671. service providers in the United States, with an additional many thousands of other companies providing services that heavily influence the review, design, installation, maintenance, and remediation of F.O.G. star.removeClass('addToExpoPlan').removeClass('fa-star-o') strControl = '#Video'; /* It is committed to providing a complete cleaning of the entire system from the hood in the kitchen to the fan on the roof. else var boothId = $(this).attr('data-boothid'), All I knew was that people came in the middle of the night, scraped and blasted grease out of my restaurants hoods, and I was presented with a cleaner exhaust system in return. var prod_pos = 0; In an effort to collect the maximum amount of feedback possible, the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA) announced that it is extending its public comment period on a new maintenance standard for kitchen exhaust systems BSR/IKECA M-10-201x, M-10 Standard for the Methodology for Maintenance of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems. video_pos = -1; Boiled down to their most basic, F.O.G. if ($('[data-spy]').length) { Lives of loved ones lost, social distancing measures and lockdowns have impacted nearly [], Website Inquiries We are happy that we have had such great response to our blogs on becoming professional exhaust cleaners. $("#booth_nav_item_videos").attr("class", "active"); var results = regex.exec(; As an industry, we must speak to the entire market, not just a small subsection that makes us feel important and understood. We have sent an email to the address you provided. strControl = 'dShowSpecial_' + strSSID; Please change your password. } } } var isiPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null; 2022 Pressure-Kleen. if ($('body.nonav').length > 0) { This event will bring together FOG professionals from across the country and serve as a valuable networking opportunity for all stakeholders in the industry. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 United States Fats Oils & Grease Alliance, Site Crafted by Robintek: Columbus Website Design. } return divTop; The industry is ready to be seen and heard and our communities need to understand and accept the risks they take when restaurants and other food preparation facilities and jurisdictions ignore the seemingly simple regulations. } else if (video_pos >= $(window).scrollTop()) { } else if (prod_pos >= $(window).scrollTop()) { This should be constant as such } } Come see the latest technology in the areas of grease removal devices, engineering, software, waste hauling, and municipal FOG management. industry who have hired people with this exact mindset. /* star.addClass('fa-spin'); $('[id^="booth_nav_item_"]').attr("class", "booth_nav_item"); .concat(EventID).concat('&MapID=').concat(MapID).concat('&MapItBoothID=').concat(BoothID).concat('&MapItBooth=').concat(boothLabels), If you are reading this, your career is probably involved in the F.O.G. $('[data-spy]').attr('data-offset-top', Math.max(10, $('[data-spy]').offset().top))} IKECA is a non-profit organization committed to fire prevention and life safety by advancing the quality of cleaning, inspection and maintenance of commercial kitchen exhaust systems worldwide. In fact, we have counseled hundreds of clients in the F.O.G. RemoveFromExpoPlan(intRootContactID, boothId, coId); ; var ms = 300; {$('[data-spy]').attr('data-offset-top', Math.max(10, $('[data-spy],body').offset().top)) function ShowMapInOverlay(EventID, MapID, BoothID, boothLabels) { As the nation's leader in non-hazardous liquid waste management, Liquid Environmental Solutions strives to be the choice for your liquid waste needs. $(' .ProductCategoryContainer a').attr('target', '_blank') $("#booth_nav_item_ss").attr("class", "active"); if (jQuery('#PressReleaseList').height() == null) The authorities having jurisdiction, insurance underwriters, installers, maintainers, designers, inspectors, specifiers, operators, and food service establishments shall use this standard to ensure compliance and alignment with applicable codes and requirements for system cleanliness and fire. Training Video Now Safety Training Videos, Mature driver classes (insurance discount), MN Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS). Customized data reports for all reporting facilities andwaste haulers. workers did. 612-355-2243 $("#booth_nav_item_prod").attr("class", "active"); Fire Protection Equipment Company is a full-service fire protection company supporting eastern North Dakota, MN and western Wisconsin. FOG BMP was created specifically to address all of those short comings. }); var showNav = getParameterByName("Nav"); //$("#iExpandCollapse" + dItemContainer.substring(1)).attr("src", "../Images/collapse_15.png"); if (strPRID.length > 0) { Tara Lukasik is an editor for the International Code Council, working out of its Western Regional Office in Southern California. The people of our communities deserve to have a high-level understanding of the food preparations facilities they visit and rely on, knowing that they are safer because of the F.O.G. Mass email communication to Fog generating facilities & waste haulers. I often heard complaints about a lack of communication, messes left behind, but never any real praise for what F.O.G. to confirm your email address. var strPRID = ''; Together we will make a defference and save our nation's public sewer systems and clean water! try { pr_pos = -1; industry. if (strPRID.length > 0) { else } There are thousands of dedicated and active F.O.G. additional_info_pos = jQuery('#AdditionalInformationList').offset().top + jQuery('#AdditionalInformationList').height() * 0.75; navScrollPosition = jQuery('#booth_nav_container').length > 0 ? var intRequestBoothID = '107028'; Refrigeration Equipment (Installation/Repair). The agenda includes a wide range of presentations including FOG inspection training, environmental case studies, FOG equipment technology, FOG EPA compliant tools, water treatment plant studies, and public health considerations. Join us at the beautiful Kemah Boardwalk just outside of Houston for a two-day conference focusing on the Fats, Oils, and Grease industry. var strSSID = ''; The reality is that every human is influenced by the work a F.O.G. var strPRODID = ''; Read full article here:, -Don Blair, President BMP Compliance Group. g.async=!0,g.src=t,h.appendChild(g)} Companies and [], The government plans to resume activities in the coming weeks. Easy to use, transparent pricing, and offering a complete turnkey FOG program, FOG BMP is the choice for the state of Florida and those who want to be in DEP compliance. It took place [], Do you have what it takes to become a grease and grime fighting superhero? star.removeClass('removeFromExpoPlan').removeClass('fa-star') Sewer overflow event log with hotspots & reports. } //get the min > 0 from all the div $('i.fa', $('#dPressRelease_' + strPRID).siblings(null, '.panel-body')).removeClass('fa-plus').addClass('fa-minus'); if ($(window).scrollTop() >= navScrollPosition) { $('i', obj) .addClass('addToExpoPlan').addClass('fa-star-o') ShowItemDetail(strControl); Comments are due Aug. 1, 2018. setTimeout(function (e) { $('#maincontent1').css('width', 'auto'); pr_pos = jQuery('#PressRelease').offset().top + jQuery('#PressReleaseList').height() * 0.75; } else if (strPRODID.length > 0) { $('#tdBreadCrumb').hide(); var targetDiv = $(this).attr('href'); } else { var divTop = $(divId).offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() $(window).scroll(function (e) { f.FeathrBoomerang=r;var g=e.createElement(a), if ((/false|0|no/ig).test(showNav)) { The spill comes just over a month after a concrete sewage pipe in the city of Carson collapsed, dumping 8.5 million gallons of untreated sewage into the Dominguez Channel, and prompting beach closures in Los Angeles County and Orange County, city officials reported. (Passcode: E3k^s=ci). }); Management providers are simply grease cleaners. Superior service."EventMap.aspx?ver=html&EventID=" }); Please enter your e-mail address below. strControl = 'dProduct_' + strPRODID; h=e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode; Unmatched professionalism. } else if (strSSID.length > 0) { I entered the kitchen exhaust cleaning industry, a huge part of F.O.G. $(document).on('click', '.nav.nav-tabs a', function(e) { & Backflow Conference Recordings Available Below, Day One: Fats, Oils, & Grease Education & Training Be sure you are ready to get back to business by ensuring [], As part of our professional development, our certified exhaust cleaning specialists attended IKECAs 2018 Fall Technical Seminar and Expo. setTimeout(function (e) { }); It was this limited understanding that fueled my new relationships with Omni Containment and eventually IKECA (International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association), USFOGA, NFPA and many more. To complete your registration, please verify your email address. $("#booth_nav_item_additional_information").attr("class", "active"); if (strTask == 'PressReleases') { Profiles all FOG generating facilities in your jurisdiction. If you need help, contact our WebSupport via LiveChat. .addClass('removeFromExpoPlan').addClass('fa-star') Please click the link in the email if (blnIsDetailVisible == false) { } else { strControl = 'dPressRelease_' + strPRID; Starting with the International Conference of Building Officials as the managing editor of its, Explore all the benefits that ICC Membership has to offer, Buildings, Construction, Architecture/Design, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Pools/Spas, Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, Resiliency, International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association, BSR/IKECA M-10-201x, M-10 Standard for the Methodology for Maintenance of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems, 348zXWJQaPaMzb99Q6DHLDtORNsU8N_jkGaCT-PPKKY=.html. Custom fats, oils, and grease best management plan for each facility. if (jQuery('#VideoList').height() == null) if (jQuery('#AdditionalInformationList').height() == null) } Kevin Benz .attr('title', 'Remove from My Exhibitors') $('.nav.nav-tabs li').removeClass('active'); environments. Automated cleaning record submission with electronic cleaning logs for each facility. $("#booth_nav_item_home").attr("class", "active"); $("#" + dItemContainer).addClass('collapse in'); a2zAnalytics.isBoothInExpoPlan(strRootApplicationID, strRootApplicationName, intRequestCoID, intRootEventID, intRequestBoothID, cbIsBoothInExpoPlan); return false; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(strControl).offset().top - 24 }, 500);