Resistance in this species to photosystem Il-inhibiting herbicide isoproturon was first recorded in 1992, and has since spread to several Indian states covering more than a million ha. Ashrafi Z. Among various weed management strategies, chemical weed control is considered the most effective method. Eur J Agron. J Exp Bot. Legume Res. Means sharing the same letter in a column did not differ with each other at 5% (0.05) probability level. Whereas, in case of P. minor minimum number of weeds (1.5) were recorded with isoproturon at 105 g a.i. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, T7 = Isoproturon at 105 g a.i. In: Strigib JC, Kudsk P, editors. Adamczewski K, Matysiak R The effects and benefits of adjuvants used with sulfonyl urea herbicides. who revealed that sequential application of herbicide mixtures with adjuvants enhanced maize grain and biological yield. Effect of individual and tank mixed herbicides on yield of wheat crop. Means sharing the same letter in a column did not differ with each other at 5% (0.05) probability level. Minimum productive and maximum non-productive tillers were recorded in weedy check. ha-1, isoproturon at 140 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. The influence of post emergence weed harrowing on selectivity, crop recovery and crop yield in different growth stages of winter wheat. ha-1 and isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, 40100, Pakistan. Water stress drastically reduces root growth and inulin yield in Cichorium intybus (var. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1993. Our results are also in agreement to Woznica and Idziak (2010Woznica Z, Idziak R. Influence of herbicide application timings, rates and adjuvant type on weed control and yield of maize grown for forage. J Exp Bot. 2010;24:147-52.). ha-1, isoproturon at 140 g a.i. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, isoproturon at 105 g a.i. 2008;14(3-4):111-20.). In M. indica, after 3, 10 and 17 days of herbicidal treatments, lowest stomatal conductance were observed with isoproturon at 175 g a.i. J Agric Sci. Singh S, Kirkwood RC, Marshall G. Effect of ABT on the activity and rate of degradation of isoproturon in susceptible and resistant biotypes of Phalaris minor and in wheat. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 followed by isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Pak J Water Res. However, highest values of gas exchange parameters of wheat were observed where no herbicide was sprayed. Afr J Biotechnol. No caso do trigo, os maiores perfilhos produtivos, altura da planta, peso de mil gros e rendimento biolgico e de gros foram obtidos com isoproturon a 175 g i.a. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1993. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Weed Technol. 2000;23:145-200. Other parameters including weeds plant height (cm), fresh weight (g) and dry weight (g) were recorded at maturity by using standared procedure. Weed Sci. p.99-116. ha-1) with Bio-enhancer 400 mL ha-1 resulted in similar number of P. minor weeds at harvest to that of full dose (175 g a.i. Cheema MS, Akhtar M, Iqbal MS. 2010;16:89-96. sativum) independently of photosynthesis. Although isoproturon recommendation has been withdrawn from rice-wheat cropping zones, resistance in littleseed canarygrass is spreading in other areas where isoproturon has been used for several years because it is inexpensive and has broad-spectum weed control. Isoproturon-resistant biotypes were found cross-resistant to diclofop, but not to chlortoluron, which has the same mode of action as isoproturon. Performance of different herbicides in wheat under irrigated conditions of southern Punjab, Pakistan. 2004;21:181-92. ; Rueda Ayala et al., 2011Rueda Ayala V, Rasmussen J, Gerhards R, Fournaise NE. Among these methods, chemical weed control is the most improved method (Bibi et al., 2008Bibi S, Marwat KB, Hassan G, Khan NM. 2006;20(2):377-83. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 2002. Cambridge University Press is committed by its charter to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible across the globe. ha-1 + Bio-enhance at 400 mL ha-1 after 17 days of herbicidal spray. Isoproturon at 175 g a.i. ha-1 with both adjuvants (Bio-enhancer and Ad-500 each at 400 mL ha-1) significantly increased 1000-grains weight than weedy check. Pestic Sci. Each dose of isoproturon was prepared separately. ha-1 and isoproturon at 105 g a.i. ha-1 with both adjuvants each at 400 mL ha-1 after 3, 10 and 17 days of herbicide treatments. Department of Agronomy, BZU Bahadur Sub Campus, Layyah, Pakistan. Afr J Biotechnol. Tank mixture adjuvant provided better control of major weeds species than herbicide use alone or low dose with adjuvants that resulted in increased space and nutrients availability to crops which ultimately increased productive tillers and reduced non-productive tillers (Kierzek and Adamczewski, 2008Kierzek R, Adamczewski K. Activity of selected herbicide mixtures in maize. Surfactants affect herbicides on kochia (Kochia scoparia) and russian thistle (Salsolai berica). ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, T7 = Isoproturon at 105 g a.i. The key objective of presented research was to evaluate the effect of post-emergence application of isoproturon herbicide alone and with most suitable combination of adjuvant on photosynthetic attributes of wheat and their associated weeds. With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. Crop Prot. In case of M. indica minimum weeds (4.5) were recorded with isoproturon at 140 g a.i. The data was recorded from fully expanded mature leaves in between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Um estudo de campo foi conduzido para investigar o efeito de ps-emergncia do herbicida isoproturon sozinho ou com combinao de adjuvantes no trigo de inverno e suas plantas daninhas relevantes. Moreover, the herbicide at reduced dose with adjuvants was not much effective in terms of weed control or increased yield. Weed control in cotton (. Herbicide rotations, mixtures, and sequences are beneficial, but only in the short term. WRIC Weed Science School, September 26-28. excellent weed control and maximum grain yield was recorded from Puma Super 75 EW at 1.25 L ha-1 + buctril super 60 EC at 750 mL ha-1 followed by isoproturon at 2 kg ha-1 having statistically at par grain yield. Presented results are in agreement with those of Naseer-ud-Din et al. Whereas in all herbicidal applications, lowest photosynthetic rate (7.13 mol m-2 s-1) of wheat was recorded with isoproturon at 175 g a.i. spike length can be the reason for increasing number of grains/spike. Shukla N, Awasthi RP, Rawat L, Kumar J. Stay informed of issues for this journal through your RSS reader, Resumo 2010;24:147-52. ha-1, T4 = Isoproturon at 105 g a.i. In all intervals of herbicidal applications, isoproturon at 175 g a.i. The isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Growth parameters such as plant height and biological yield were increased with herbicide application because of low competition between weeds and wheat plants for nutrients, light, space and water that enhance nutrient use efficiency of wheat plants. Pak J Weed Sci Res. Seed biopriming with drought tolerant isolates of, Singh S, Kirkwood RC, Marshall G. Effect of ABT on the activity and rate of degradation of isoproturon in susceptible and resistant biotypes of, Singh R, Dhiman SEN, Rana NS, Kumar S. Efficacy of dicamba alone and in combination with isoproturon on wheat (. Singh et al. (Portuguese), Text 2009;1:101-111) who studied the effect of bromoxynil + MCPA, isoproturon and triasulfuron on yield and yield components of wheat in which it was concluded that herbicide application significantly increased the yield components of wheat when compared with weedy check. Bromoxynil + MCPA at 0.49 kg a.i. ha-1) along with Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 gave similar harvest index (Table 2). 2005;45:17-24.; Bernards et al., 2009Bernards ML, Penner D, Michael J, Zollinger R, Rhode A, Dean SW. Imazapyr absorption and translocation in northern red oak and red maple as affected by herbicide formulation and the adjuvant methylated seed oil. Effect of individual and tank mixed herbicides on yield of wheat crop. Many of these journals are the leading academic publications in their fields and together they form one of the most valuable and comprehensive bodies of research available today. Therefore, it is a dire need to select an appropriate dose of herbicide with suitable adjuvant that must suppress the weed growth along with optimum yield of crop. 2008;27(3-5):719-26. Woznica Z, Idziak R. Influence of herbicide application timings, rates and adjuvant type on weed control and yield of maize grown for forage. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Fragmenta Agron. The collected data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique and treatments means were compared using Tukeys (HSD) test at 5% probability level using Statistix 8.1 (Steel et al., 1997Steel RGD, Torrie JH, Dicky D. Principles and procedures of statistics. 2007 Cambridge University Press The more decrease in above traits with inclusion of adjuvants among all other treatments might be due to enhancement in efficiency of isoproturon with addition of adjuvants. After 3, 10 and 17 days of herbicide applications, transpiration rate of wheat enhanced progressively with passage of time (Figure 1). Afr J Biotechnol. Management factors, such zero or minimum tillage, early planting after rice harvest, and alternative herbicides provide effective control of resistant biotypes. Formulation and adjuvants. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1993. p.99-116. Herbicide efficacy is significantly decreased due to direct influence of factors like drift and surface tension, whereas it can be increased with addition of adjuvants (Adamczewski and Matysiak, 2005Adamczewski K, Matysiak R The effects and benefits of adjuvants used with sulfonyl urea herbicides. Number of grains/spike, spike length, 1000-grains weight and grain yield was enhanced by application of isoproturon with and without adjuvants not only due to more availability of nutrients but also increased transportation of photosynthates, protein synthesis from source to sink. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. Data regarding net photosynthetic rate of wheat after 3, 10 and 17 days of post-emergence herbicide application of isoproturon alone and with adjuvants is shown in Figure 1. Pak J Weed Sci Res. (2003Harbour JD, Messersmith CG, Ramsdale BK. It publishes over 2,500 books a year for distribution in more than 200 countries. Conclui-se que o isoproturon a 175 g i.a. However, a higher dose of isoproturon causes adverse effects on wheat productivity (Singh et al., 1998Singh S, Kirkwood RC, Marshall G. Effect of ABT on the activity and rate of degradation of isoproturon in susceptible and resistant biotypes of Phalaris minor and in wheat. Performance of different herbicides in wheat under irrigated conditions of southern Punjab, Pakistan. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1, T9 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. Select the purchase Naseer-ud-Din GM, Shehzad MA, Nasarullah HM. Weed science: Principles and practices. ha-1 with each adjuvant at 400 mL ha-1. ha- 1, T3 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. Injury and grass control. 2009;6(6):1-10.). Multiple comparisons. 2009;1:101-111. (English),, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, Effect of Isoproturon With and Without Adjuvants on Photosynthetic Attributes of Wheat and Its Associated Weeds. Hess FD, Foy CL. The sprayer was adjusted to deliver 250 L ha-1 solution at 3.2 km h-1. Study effects of planting methods and tank mixed herbiciedes on weeds controlling and wheat yield. Efficacy of various pre and post-emergence herbicides to control weeds in wheat. Bibi S, Marwat KB, Hassan G, Khan NM. Chhokar R, Singh S, Sharma R. Herbicides for control of isoproturon-resistant Littleseed Canarygrass (Phalaris minor) in wheat. 2004;21:181-92. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. Study effects of planting methods and tank mixed herbiciedes on weeds controlling and wheat yield. As such, it is focused on more applied aspects concerning the management of weeds. 2006;12:53-59. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, T6 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 might be a profitable approach to achieve optimal yield of wheat by causing the maximum suppression of these tested weeds. J ASTM Int. According to Khalil et al., (2010Khalil MF, Hassan G, Hussain Z, Shah NH, Khan MM. In our study, gaseous exchange parameters of wheat including net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance increased in weedy check than all herbicide applications after 3, 10 and 17 days of herbicidal application. Adjuvants improve the biological activity and reduce surface tension which may help to reduce herbicide dose (Green and Cahill, 2003Green JM, Cahill WR. Indian J Agron. 1998;53:123-132.). Effect of post-emergence herbicide isoproturon alone and with adjuvants on fresh and dry weight of all four weeds Melilotus indica, Anagallis arvensis, Phalaris minor and Fumaria indica resulted in lowest fresh and dry weight as compared to weedy check (Table 3). Weed Res. ha-1 without adjuvants followed by isoproturon at 105 g a.i. The treatments were isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Recommended agronomic practices were kept same for each treatment. Entre vrias prticas de manejo de plantas daninhas, o controle qumico delas considerado o mtodo mais efetivo. 2015;166(2):171-182. 2005;45:17-24. ha-1, T5 = Isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Results showed that maximum number of weeds (54.4) was measured for M. indica followed by A. arvensis (30.5), P. minor (7.5) and F. indica (12.5) in weedy check treatment while, isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Seed bed was prepared by cultivating the soil thrice with tractor mounted cultivator, each followed by planking. Effect of isoproturon with and without adjuvants on stomatal conductance of all four weeds (M. indica, A. arvensis, P. minor and F. indica) resulted in lowest rate of stomatal conductance when compared with that of weedy check (Figure 4). Severe weed infestation is one of the major constraints hampering potential yield of wheat and causing 20-40% reduction in its yield (Ahmad and Shaikh, 2003Ahmad R, Shaikh AS. However, among all herbicidal applications, isoproturon with adjuvants decreased the net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance in all four weeds (M. indica, A. arvensis, P. minor, and F. indica) after 17 days of herbicide application compared to others treatments. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. Results regarding the effect of isoproturon with and without adjuvants on number of productive and non-productive tillers of wheat are described in Table 1. Complete dose of phosphorus and potassium and half of nitrogen was applied during seed bed preparation, while remaining nitrogen was applied at first irrigation. ; Hess and Foy, 2000Hess FD, Foy CL. Text ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. Wheat variety PUNJAB-2011 was sown at the seed rate of 100 kg ha-1, planted using a single-row hand-pulled seed drill. Isoproturon {3-(4- isopropyl phenyl)-1,1- dimethyl urea} is among the important phenyl related urea group and post-emergence herbicide mainly utilized to control annual, broad leaf and grasses weeds in wheat and other cereal crops (Chhokar et al., 2008Chhokar R, Singh S, Sharma R. Herbicides for control of isoproturon-resistant Littleseed Canarygrass (Phalaris minor) in wheat. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 , T9 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. 4th ed. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, T8 = Isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Among all treatments, maximum stomatal conductance (2287 mol m-2 s-1) was recorded in weedy check. However, effect of isoproturon with and without adjuvants was different for minimum number of weeds at harvest (Table 4). Enhancing the biological activity of nicosulfuron with pH adjusters. Weed Technol. To increase the growth and yield of wheat, it is important to apply herbicides at optimum rate and right time while maintaining weed control at an acceptable level and also protecting crop from herbicide injury. 4th ed. Weed Sci. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1 after 17 days of herbicide application. This type of resistance could become serious and lead to the evolution of multiple resistances to herbicides of different modes of action. Genetic studies and resistance characterization from multiple locations indicate independent evolution of resistance due to continuous use of isoproturon and monoculture rice-wheat-cropping system. 2011;51(1):478-88. Highest transpiration rate was observed in weedy check after that maximum transpiration rate (5.40 mol m-2 s-1) was recorded with lowest dose of isoproturon at 105 g a.i. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1, isoproturon at 175 g a.i. The isoproturon-resistance mechanism is metabolic degradation, mediated by P-450 monooxygenase enzymes. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 gave plant heights of 13.5, 2.5, 22.5 and 11.25 cm in M. indica, A. arvensis, P. minor and F. indica respectively which was minimum among all treatments. Request Permissions, Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. To access this article, please, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. ha-1 + Ad-500 at 400 mL ha-1 and reduced dose of isoproturon (140 g a.i. However, minimum fresh weight (37.5 g) was measured from P. minor where isoproturon at 140 g a.i. No entanto, a dose ideal e a combinao adequada de herbicidas com adjuvantes desempenham papel vital no controle de plantas daninhas em um nvel aceitvel e produzem o rendimento mximo da cultura. Common weeds of wheat and their control. Pak J Agric Sci. ha-1, isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Data regarding effect of isoproturon with and without adjuvants on harvest index of wheat is presented in Table 2. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 (Table 2). Formulation and adjuvants. Herbicide Bioassays. 2012;11(4):791-9. ha-1, T3 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. Isoproturon at 105 g a.i. Weed Technology publishes original research and scholarship focused on understanding "how" weeds are managed. Kudsk P, Streibig JC. 2011;48:185-90.) ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 (Table 4). Green JM, Cahill WR. However, minimum grain yield (2285.7 kg ha-1) was recorded in weedy check followed by that of isoproturon at 140 g and 105 g a.i. There was significant effect of isoproturon with and without adjuvants on number of grains/spike of wheat (Table 1). 3rd ed. An effect of adjuvants on potato yielding and limiting weed infestation in potato stands. (English), Resumo All herbicide treatments with and without adjuvants impart significant impact on all weeds by reducing their photosynthetic rate as compared to weedy check after 3, 10 and 17 days of herbicidal spray (Figure 2). ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 produced tallest wheat plants, whereas, minimum plant height (79.5 cm) was recorded with isoproturon at 105 g a.i. Pak J Weed Sci Res. Weed Technol. Prog Plant Prot. This might be due to addition of adjuvants that increased efficacy of herbicides either at full or reduced dose as well as reduced competition of wheat plants with weeds for utilization of available resources at their maximum level. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. 2011;48:185-90. Whereas, isoproturon at 175 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. Presented at the UC Davis. Biu Inst Hod Aklimat Ros. Pak J Agric Sci. option. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1, isoproturon at 105 g a.i. As doses de herbicida foram isoproturon a 175 g i.a. also revealed that herbicides significantly improved harvest index over weedy check. Data regarding number of weeds per plot was collected two times, first at 21 days after sowing and second at maturity. Our results indicated that addition of Bio-enhancer to isoproturon increased the efficacy of isoproturon at full dose in terms of number of grains per spike when compared with addition of Ad-500 or without adjuvant. New York: McGraw Hill Book; 1997. p.178-98. Isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Adoption of fenoxaprop-P, clodinafop, and sulfosulfuron in isoproturon-resistant areas since 1997 initially led to high yields, but resulted in a weed flora shift which eventually reduced yields and increased the cost of weed management. No entanto, observaram-se valores mais altos de parmetros de troca de gs do trigo quando nenhum herbicida foi pulverizado. 2003;1:71-73.). Interaction of surfactants with plant cuticles. 2006;51(2):139-41.) In case of A. arvensis, F. indica and P. minor, minimal stomatal conductance was recorded with isoproturon at 175 g a.i. Harvest index (%) of wheat was calculated using following formula: The net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance for wheat and weeds were measured 3, 10 and 17 days after herbicide application. Minimum photosynthetic rate in M. indica (0.612 mol m-2 s-1), A. arvensis (0.552 mol m-2 s-1), P. minor (0.395 mol m-2 s-1), and F. indica (0.125 mol m-2 s-1) was recorded with isoproturon at 175 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1, isoproturon at 140 g a.i. However, after 3 days of herbicidal application, minimum transpiration rate (2.32 mol m-2 s-1) was recorded with isoproturon at 175 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1 produced minimum fresh weight of 37.5 g, 16.5 g and 16.5 g in M. indica, A. arvensis and F. indica, respectively. ), efficacy of herbicides such as bromoxynil, glyphosate and 2, 4-D with adjuvants (Allinol 810-60, MON 0818 and Oxysorbic 20) against kochia (Bassia scoparia) and Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) provided better control of weeds as compared to herbicide alone. Entre todos os tratamentos, isoproturon a 175 g i.a. Pak J Weed Sci Res. ha-1, T4 = Isoproturon at 105 g a.i. ha-1 + Bio-enhancer at 400 mL ha-1, T9 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. ha- 1, T3 = Isoproturon at 140 g a.i. Interaction of surfactants with plant cuticles. J ASTM Int. In many situations, adding an adjuvant can significantly enhance herbicides effect by affecting different biochemical processes of target plants (weeds) that cause reduction in gaseous parameters (Kudsk and Streibig, 1993Kudsk P, Streibig JC. 1998;53:123-132. (EN). Littleseed canarygrass is a major weed of winter-season crops, although it is most dominant in wheat-growing regions in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Brecke BJ, Stephenson DO. Ann App Bio. Effects of adjuvants, halosulfuron, and grass herbicides on Cucurbita spp. However, growth and yield related parameters of wheat like number of productive tillers (m-2), number of none-productive tillers (m-2), plant height (cm), number of grains/spike, 1000-grains weight (g), spike length (cm), biological yield (kg ha-1), grain yield (kg ha-1) were recorded at maturity following standard procedure.